Søk: 'City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles'
The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More
ISBN 9781401309664 , 2008 , Chris Anderson
The SAGE Companion to the City
ISBN 9781412902076 , 2008 , Tim Hall, John Rennie Short
The Global Food Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming
ISBN 9781842777954 , 2007 , Anthony John Weis
The Future Population of the World: What Can We Assume Today
ISBN 9780415853705 , 2013
A Tale of One City
ISBN 9781421800974 , 2006 , Thomas Anderton
Istanbul: Memories of a City
ISBN 9780571218332 , 2006 , Orhan Pamuk
Los-Reinert på fyret
ISBN 9788202221300 , 2002 , Siri E. Mohr
City in the Roman West, c.250 BC-c.AD 250
ISBN 9781139180740 , 2011
Dancing Communities: Performance, Difference and Connection in the Global City
ISBN 9780230302334 , 2011 , Judith A. Hamera
The Future of the Internet: And How to Stop It
ISBN 9780141031590 , 2009 , Jonathan Zittrain
Mussolini's Rome: Rebuilding the Eternal City
ISBN 9781403980021 , 2008 , Borden Painter
Yearbook of science and the future 1997
ISBN 9788257308384 , 1997
Los sonidos del noruego
ISBN 9788279980254 , 2001 , Karl S. Hofsø
A Brief History of the Future: The Origins of the Internet
ISBN 9780753810934 , 2000 , John Naughton
The City of Musical Memory: Salsa, Record Grooves and Popular Culture in Cali, Colombia
ISBN 9780819570567 , 2010 , Lise A. Waxer
Los-Reinert og Hannah
ISBN 9788202190392 , 2000 , Siri E. Mohr
City of Farmers: Informal Urban Agriculture in the Open Spaces of Nairobi, Kenya
ISBN 9780773508224 , 1991 , Donald B. Freeman
The Future of the Teaching and Learning of Algebra: The 12th ICMI Study
ISBN 9789048177875 , 2010 , Kaye Stacey, Helen Chick, Margaret Kendal
Chasm City
ISBN 9780575083158 , 2008 , Alastair Reynolds
The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens and Rome
ISBN 9780195215823 , 2000 , Hazel Dodge, Peter Connolly
Five Minds for the Future
ISBN 9781422145357 , 2009 , Howard Gardner
Ideas for the Future of the International Monetary System
ISBN 9780792384359 , 1999 , Michele Fratianni, Dominick Salvatore,m.fl.
The Future of Excellence in Public Relations And Communication Management: Challenges for the Next Generation
ISBN 9780805855968 , 2006 , James E. Grunig, Larissa A. Grunig,m.fl.
The Future of Excellence in Public Relations And Communication Management: Challenges for the Next Generation
ISBN 9780805855951 , 2006 , James E. Grunig, Larissa A. Grunig,m.fl.
The science of social influence: advances and future progress
ISBN 9781841694269 , 2007 , Anthony R. Pratkanis
Istanbul: Memories and the City
ISBN 9780571227532 , 2005 , Orhan Pamuk
Bomb Scare: The History and Future of Nuclear Weapons
ISBN 9780231135115 , 2008 , Joseph Cirincione
The Future of the Internet---And How to Stop It
ISBN 9780300144772 , 2008 , Jonathan Zittrain
Adventures in Oz Vol. II: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, The Road to Oz, The Emerald City of Oz
ISBN 9781604590173 , 2007 , L. Frank Baum
Picturing Casablanca: Portraits of Power in a Modern City
ISBN 9780520084032 , 1994 , Susan Ossman