Søk: 'Comparative Politics: A Theorical Framework'
Paradigms and Sand Castles: Theory Building and Research Design in Comparative Politics
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Families in Todays World: A Comparative Approach
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Families in Today's World: A Comparative Approach
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Global Politics: A New Introduction
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A Comparative Study of Island Economics
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Industrialization and Development: A Comparative Analysis
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A Comparative Introduction to Political Science
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ISBN 9780230363380 , 2013 , Andrew Heywood
Explorations in functional syntax: a new framework for lexicogrammatical analysis
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MOF 4.0 (Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0)
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Religion and nationalism in Iraq: a comparative perspective
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A Study of Service Quality of Stockbrokers in Mauritius: A Multi- Expectations Framework
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Comparative vertebrate anatomy: a laboratory dissection guide
ISBN 9780072528312 , 2005 , Kenneth V. Kardong, Edward J. Zalisko
Contemporary political ideologies: a comparative analysis
ISBN 9780534506940 , 1995 , Lyman Tower Sargent
Studyguide for Contemporary Political Ideologies - A Comparative Analysis: A Comparative Analysis by Lyman Tower Sargent, ISBN 9780495569398
ISBN 9781428884298 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Framework for Marketing Management: Global Edition
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Devolution and public policy: a comparative perspective
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Outlines and Highlights for Foundations of Comparative Politics by Kenneth Newton, Isbn: 9780521199889
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Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution
ISBN 9780071086554 , 2011 , Kenneth V. Kardong
Urban outcasts: a comparative sociology of advanced marginality
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Active Networks and Active Network Management: A Proactive Management Framework
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Electronic Voting and Democracy: A Comparative Analysis
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Ascension: A Novel of Politics
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Endocrines and Osmoregulation: A Comparative Account in Vertebrates
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Freedom of Expression: A Critical and Comparative Analysis
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Patterns in Comparative Religion
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A Legal Framework for Security in European Health Care Telematics
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Education, Equality and Social Cohesion: A Comparative Analysis
ISBN 9780230223639 , 2008 , Andy Green, Jan Germen Janmaat, John Preston
Comparative vertebrate anatomy: a laboratory dissection guide
ISBN 9780697378798 , 1998 , Kenneth V. Kardong, Edward J. Zalisko
Framework for Marketing Management: International Edition
ISBN 9780132301428 , 2006 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller