Søk: 'Cultural Studies and Communication'
Business Communication
ISBN 9781439080153 , 2010 , Patricia Merrier, Joyce P. Logan,m.fl.
Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication
ISBN 9781285088396 , 2013
A Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative ...
ISBN 9780415609661 , 2011 , Klaus Bruhn Jensen
American Cultural Pluralism and Law
ISBN 9780275986926 , 2006
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780857022431 , 2011 , Joep P. Cornelissen
Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding
ISBN 9781412983105 , 2011 , W. Timothy Coombs
Communication Ethics Literacy: Dialogue and Difference
ISBN 9781412942140 , 2008 , Ronald C. Arnett, Leeanne M. Bell
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
ISBN 9781897635599 , 1996 , Stephen von Tetzchner, Mogens Hygum Jensen
Mass Communication: Theory And Practice
ISBN 9788124101346 , 2007
Environmentalism and Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780415115292 , 1996 , Kay Milton
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction
ISBN 9781408285275 , 2012 , John Storey
Contemporary Security Studies
ISBN 9780199694778 , 2012 , Alan Collins
Studies in Language and Cognition
ISBN 9781443801744 , 2009 , Jordan Zlatev, Mats Andren,m.fl.
Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity
ISBN 9780520235953 , 2004 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Bernard Giesen,m.fl.
Human Biology: Control and communication
ISBN 9780749214418 , 2006
Strategic Management Communication
ISBN 9780538473422 , 2010
Media studies: key issues and debates
ISBN 9781412929837 , 2007
Modern Electronic Communication
ISBN 9781292025476 , 2013 , Jeffrey S. Beasley
People, communication and organisations
ISBN 9780273032694 , 1990 , Desmond W. Evans
Communication And Social Cognition: Theories And Methods
ISBN 9780805853551 , 2007
Mathematical Studies
ISBN 9780199151219 , 2007
Peace and Conflict Studies: A Reader
ISBN 9780415591294 , 2011 , Charles P. Webel, Jorgen Johansen
Subcultures: Cultural Histories and Social Practice
ISBN 9780415379526 , 2007 , Kenneth Gelder
Communication systems: an introduction to signals and noise in electrical communication
ISBN 9780071263320 , 2009
Museums, Media and Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780335214204 , 2005 , Michelle Henning
Development Studies
ISBN 9780745638478 , 2008 , Jeffrey Haynes
Social and Cultural Dynamics
ISBN 9780878557875 , 1991 , Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin
Communication and Culture: An Introduction
ISBN 9780761968276 , 2000 , Tony Schirato
Communication Systems: Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780131219298 , 2004 , Harold P. E. Stern, Samy A. Mahmoud,m.fl.
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction
ISBN 9781405874090 , 2008 , John Storey