Søk: 'Culture and rationality: European frameworks of Norwegian identity'
Style: Language Variation and Identity
ISBN 9780521618144 , 2007 , Nikolas Coupland
ISBN 9788278910290 , 1997 , Jørgen Moe, Per Erik Borge, Theodor Kittelsen,m.fl.
ISBN 9788278910184 , 1997 , Tor Åge Bringsvaerd
Markedsforlinsledelse (Norwegian)
ISBN 9788200212263 , 1997 , Philip Kotler
Social Identity
ISBN 9780415340977 , 2004
The American Musical and the Performance of Personal Identity
ISBN 9781400832682 , 2010
Organizational Culture and Leadership
ISBN 9780470190609 , 2010 , Edgar H. Schein
Social Identity
ISBN 9780415448482 , 2008
International Relations and the European Union
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Engelsk-norsk juridisk ordbok = English-Norwegian dictionary of law
ISBN 9788202407087 , 2013 , Åge Lind
Identity: Youth and Crisis
ISBN 9780393311440 , 1995 , Erik H. Erikson
Solomonic Judgements: Studies in the Limitations of Rationality
ISBN 9780521378154 , 1989
Norwegian on the web: NoW
ISBN 9788251928809 , 2012 , Olaf Husby, Åsta Øvregaard, Sissel Robbins,m.fl.
Religion and the Politics of Identity in Kosovo
ISBN 9781850653929 , 2000
Shakespeare's Tragedies: Violation and Identity
ISBN 9780521608633 , 2005
E-Government Interoperability and Information Resource Integration: Frameworks for Aligned Development
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Researching Society and Culture
ISBN 9781849207997 , 2011 , Clive Seale
Dictionary of Archeology: English German Norwegian
ISBN 9788271811549 , 1999 , Elizabeth S. Seeberg
Cultural Trauma and Collective Identity
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A European Memory?: Contested Histories and Politics of Remembrance
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Artful itineraries: European art and American careers in high culture, 1865-1920
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The Rise of the Norwegian Parliament
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Organizational Culture and Leadership
ISBN 9780470185865 , 2010 , Edgar H. Schein
Teach Yourself. Norwegian.
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Norwegian on the web: workbook
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Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture
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Norwegian agricultural history
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Consumer Behaviour: A European Outlook
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The European Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration
ISBN 9781403904225 , 2003 , Brent F. Nelsen, Alexander C-.G. Stubb
The American musical and the performance of personal identity
ISBN 9780691125244 , 2006