Søk: 'Designing Qualitative Research'
Designing Embedded Hardware
ISBN 9780596007553 , 2005 , John Catsoulis
Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques
ISBN 9780803932517 , 1990 , Juliet M. Corbin, Anselm Strauss
An Analysis of Thinking and Research About Qualitative Methods
ISBN 9780805817515 , 1996
Doing a Successful Research Project: Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods
ISBN 9781403993793 , 2007 , Martin Brett Davies
An Analysis of Thinking and Research About Qualitative Methods
ISBN 9780805817508 , 1996
Qualitative Research: Good Decision Making Through Understanding People, Cultures and Markets
ISBN 9780749458607 , 2009 , Sheila Keegan
Qualitative research: good decision making through understanding people, cultures and markets
ISBN 9780749454647 , 2009 , Sheila Keegan
Approaches to Qualitative Research: A Reader on Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780195157758 , 2003 , Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Lina Leavy
Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and the Social Sciences
ISBN 9781405159678 , 2011 , Zazie Todd, Anna Madill
Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory
ISBN 9781412906432 , 2008 , Juliet M. Corbin, Anselm L. Strauss
Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology: Adventures in Theory and Method
ISBN 9780335205356 , 2001 , Carla Willig
Analyzing qualitative data: log-linear analysis for behavioral research
ISBN 9780275934460 , 1992 , John J. Kennedy
Approaches to Qualitative Research: A Reader on Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780195157741 , 2003 , Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Lina Leavy
Qualitative Research in Psychology: Expanding Perspectives in Methodology and Design
ISBN 9781557989796 , 2003 , Jean E. Rhodes, Lucy Yardley, Paul Marc Camic
Fieldwork, Participation and Practice: Ethics and Dilemmas in Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761954873 , 2000 , Marlene de Laine
Internet Communication and Qualitative Research: A Handbook for Researching Online
ISBN 9780761966272 , 2000 , Chris Mann, Fiona Stewart
Psychosocial Wellness of Refugees: Issues in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
ISBN 9781571812049 , 2000 , Frederick L. Ahearn
Psychosocial Wellness of Refugees: Issues in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
ISBN 9781571812056 , 2000 , Frederick L. Ahearn
Designing with Web Standards
ISBN 9780321616951 , 2009 , Jeffrey Zeldman, Ethan Marcotte
Analysing Qualitative Data
ISBN 9780761949800 , 2008 , Graham Gibbs
Interpreting Qualitative Data
ISBN 9780857024206 , 2011 , David Silverman
Designing Audio Power Amplifiers
ISBN 9780071640244 , 2010 , Bob Cordell
Qualitative Researching
ISBN 9780761974284 , 2002 , Jennifer Mason
Designing Embedded Hardware
ISBN 9780596003623 , 2003 , John Catsoulis
Media and Communication Research Methods: An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
ISBN 9781412987776 , 2010 , Arthur Asa Berger
Designing Virtual Worlds
ISBN 9780131018167 , 2003 , Richard Bartle
Designing DVD Menus
ISBN 9781904705420 , 2004 , George Cairns, Michael Burns, Chris Schmidt
A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781412945967 , 2007 , David Silverman
Qualitative Anorganische Analyse
ISBN 9783540678755 , 2009 , Eberhard Gerdes
Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory
ISBN 9780803959408 , 1998 , Juliet M. Corbin, Anselm Strauss