Søk: 'Discourse and Social Change'
Beyond Discourse: Education, the Self, and Dialogue
ISBN 9780791442487 , 1999 , Alexander M. Sidorkin
Climate change adaptation and development : transforming paradigms and practices
ISBN 9781138025981 , 2014
Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change
ISBN 9780470998106 , 2009 , Joe Tidd, John Bessant
An Introduction To Discourse Analysis: Theory And Method
ISBN 9780415328616 , 2005 , James Paul Gee
American Government: Continuity and Change 2008
ISBN 9780205511419 , 2008
Climate Change and Emissions Trading
ISBN 9780955083907 , 2005
Methods for Critical Discourse Analysis
ISBN 9781847874542 , 2009 , Michael Meyer, Ruth Wodak
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
ISBN 9780199555420 , 2009 , Jean Jacques Rousseau, Patrick Coleman,m.fl.
American Government 2008: Continuity and Change
ISBN 9780321415332 , 2007 , Karen C. O'connor
Stability and Change in the Modern Middle East
ISBN 9781848855892 , 2011 , Kjetil Selvik, Stig Stenslie
Rape on trial: how the mass media construct legal reform and social change
ISBN 9780812215595 , 1995 , Lisa M. Cuklanz
Working with Spoken Discourse
ISBN 9780761957720 , 2001 , Deborah Cameron
Northern Ireland: Conflict and Change
ISBN 9780582424005 , 2001 , Jonathan Tonge
Change Wars
ISBN 9781742393193 , 2009 , Andy Hargreaves, Michael Fullan, Michael Barber
Ngecha: a Kenyan village in a time of rapid social change
ISBN 9780803248090 , 2004 , Carolyn P. Edwards, Beatrice Blyth Whiting
Participative Transformation: Learning and Development in Practising Change
ISBN 9781409423782 , 2012 , Morten Levin, Roger Klev
Academic Discourse: Multidisciplinary Approaches
ISBN 9788270993666 , 2003 , Kjersti Fløttum, Francois Rastier
Classroom discourse: the language of teaching and learning
ISBN 9780325003788 , 2001 , Courtney B. Cazden
History And Social Theory
ISBN 9780745634074 , 2005 , Peter Burke
Environmental Physics: Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
ISBN 9780470666760 , 2011 , Rienk van Grondelle, Egbert Boeker
Discourse Analysis and the New Testament: Approaches and Results
ISBN 9781850759966 , 1999 , Jeffrey T. Reed
Grothendieck Duality and Base Change
ISBN 9783540411345 , 2000 , Brian David Conrad
Academic Discourse: Linguistic Misunderstanding and Professorial Power
ISBN 9780745617169 , 1996 , Pierre Bourdieu, Monique De Saint Martin,m.fl.
A Platonick Discourse Upon Love
ISBN 9781141520787 , 2010 , Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
Organization Theory: Tension and Change
ISBN 9780071189620 , 2001 , David Jaffee
Social Research Methods
ISBN 9780199588053 , 2012 , Alan Bryman
Social Psychology
ISBN 9780273725961 , 2010 , Graham M. Vaughan, Dr Michael A Hogg
Power talk: language and interaction in institutional discourse
ISBN 9780582368798 , 2001 , Joanna Thornborrow
Loss and Bereavement: Managing Change
ISBN 9780632047871 , 1998 , Ros Weston, Yvonne Anderson, Terry Martin
Chemistry: Molecules, Matter, and Change
ISBN 9780716732549 , 2000 , Peter William Atkins, Loretta Lucek Jones