Søk: 'Diversity and Groups'
Biocultural Diversity and Indigenous Ways of Knowing: Human Ecology in the Arctic
ISBN 9781552382530 , 2009
The Making of High Performance Athletes: Discipline, Diversity, and Ethics
ISBN 9780802082015 , 1999 , Debra A. Shogan, Debra Shogun
Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity
ISBN 9780205532919 , 2008 , Lois Fichner-Rathus, Jeffrey S. Nevid,m.fl.
Frameworks for Cultural and Racial Diversity: Teaching and Learning for Practitioners
ISBN 9781551300221 , 1995 , Dorothy Chave Herberg
Why Humans Have Cultures: Explaining Anthropology and Social Diversity
ISBN 9780192892119 , 1992 , Michael Carrithers
Religion and Corporate Culture Survey Report: Accommodating Religious Diversity in the Workplace
ISBN 9781586441388 , 2010
Dialogue in Focus Groups: Exploring Socially Shared Knowledge
ISBN 9781845530495 , 2005 , Ivana Markova, Per Linell, Michele Grossen
Theorizing Museums: Representing Identity and Diversity in a Changing World
ISBN 9780631201519 , 1998 , Sharon Macdonald, Gordon Fyfe
Ethnic Groups in Motion: Economic Competition and Migration in Multi-Ethnic States
ISBN 9780714652313 , 2002 , Milica Zarkovic Bookman
Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity with Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods
ISBN 9780761928058 , 2005 , Donna M. Mertens
Ethnic groups and boundaries: the social organization of culture difference
ISBN 9788200062677 , 1982 , Fredrik Barth
The Making of High Performance Athletes: Discipline, Diversity, and Ethics
ISBN 9780802043955 , 1999 , Debra Shogun
Discontinuous Groups of Isometries in the Hyperbolic Plane
ISBN 9783110175264 , 2002 , Jakob Nielsen, Werner Fenchel, Asmus L. Schmidt
The Claims of Culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era
ISBN 9780691048635 , 2002 , Seyla Benhabib
American Evangelicals and Religious Diversity: Subcultural Education, Theological Boundaries, and the Relativization of Tradition
ISBN 9781593115173 , 2006
Diversity Consciousness: Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures and Opportunities: International Edition
ISBN 9780137060689 , 2009 , Richard D. Bucher, Patricia L. Bucher
Folklore, Heritage Politics and Ethnic Diversity: A Festschrift for Barbro Klein
ISBN 9789188560391 , 2000 , Stein R. Mathisen, Pertti Anttonen,m.fl.
Counterworks: managing the diversity of knowledge
ISBN 9780415107921 , 1995 , Richard Fardon
Counterworks: Managing the Diversity of Knowledge
ISBN 9780203450994 , 1995 , Richard Fardon
Helping groups to be effective; skills, processes and concepts for group facilitation
ISBN 9788251917476 , 2002 , Bob Dick
Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business
ISBN 9781904838388 , 2012 , Fons Trompenaars, Alfons Trompenaars,m.fl.
Counterworks: Managing the Diversity of Knowledge
ISBN 9780415107938 , 1995 , Richard Fardon
Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: The Social Organization of Culture Difference
ISBN 9780881339796 , 1969 , Fredrik Barth
Putting A New Spin On Groups: The Science Of Chaos
ISBN 9780805848748 , 2005
Ethnic Variations in Dying, Death, and Grief: Diversity in Universality
ISBN 9781560322788 , 1993 , Donald P. Irish, Kathleen F. Lundquist,m.fl.
Life, Vol. II: Evolution, Diversity and Ecology: (Chs. 1, 21-33, 52-57)
ISBN 9780716776741 , 2007 , David M. Hillis, David Sadava, H.Craig Heller,m.fl.
A New Look at Social Cognition in Groups
ISBN 9780805899757 , 1998 , Leigh L. Thompson
Algebraic Groups and Their Generalizations: Classical Methods: Summer Research Institute on Algebraic Groups and Their Generalizations, July 6-26, 1991, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
ISBN 9780821814970 , 1994
Private Groups and Public Life: Social Participation, Voluntary Associations and Political Involvement in Representative Democracies
ISBN 9780415169554 , 1997 , Hans Keman
Putting a New Spin on Groups: The Science of Chaos
ISBN 9780805848731 , 2005