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The Boundaries of Babel: The Brain and the Enigma of Impossible Languages
ISBN 9780262134989 , 2008 , Noam Chomsky, Andrea Moro
The Logical Structure of Psychological Common Sense
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Micro Markets: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
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Latin America, 1800-2000: Modern History for Modern Languages
ISBN 9780340763506 , 2002 , Will Fowler
An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure
ISBN 9780748613380 , 2002 , Laurie Bauer
Micro Markets Workbook: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
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ISBN 9781403920522 , 2009 , Peter Flora, Franz Kraus, Daniele Caramani,m.fl.
Dictionary And Glossary Of The Koran: With Grammatical References And Explanations Of The Text
ISBN 9788175362840 , 2002 , John Penrice
A concise introduction to computer languages: design, experimentation, and paradigms
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Life with Two Languages: An Introduction to Bilingualism
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ISBN 9780849329647 , 2006 , German Vladimir Krejnin, Igor Lazar Krivts
Micro Markets Workbook: A Market Structure Approach to Microeconomic Analysis
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ISBN 9780306462429 , 2000 , Francis A. Carey, Richard J. Sundberg
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The Boundaries of Babel: The Brain and the Enigma of Impossible Languages
ISBN 9780262515061 , 2010 , Noam Chomsky, Andrea Moro
The Central Nervous System:Structure and Function: Structure and Function
ISBN 9780195165609 , 2003 , Per Brodal
The Myth of Mars and Venus: Do Men and Women Really Speak Different Languages?
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A Dictionary and Glossary of the Koran: With Copious Grammatical References and Explanations of the Text (1873)
ISBN 9781437452068 , 2009 , John Penrice
The visual story: creating the visual structure of film, TV and digital media
ISBN 9780240807799 , 2007 , Bruce A. Block
Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages: Ada, Real-Time Java and C/Real-Time POSIX
ISBN 9780321417459 , 2009 , Andrew J. Wellings, Andy Wellings,m.fl.