Søk: 'Dynamic Optimization and Differential Games'
Computational Differential Equations
ISBN 9780521567381 , 1996 , Kenneth Eriksson, Claes Johnson, Donald J. Estep,m.fl.
Nutrient Timing: Metabolic Optimization for Health, Performance, and Recovery
ISBN 9781584885580 , 2007 , Edward E. Qian, Eric H. Sorensen, Ronald H. Hua
Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems
ISBN 9780471319993 , 2001 , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Differential Equations For Dummies
ISBN 9780470178140 , 2008 , Ph.D. Steven Holzner
A Dynamic Balance: Social Capital And Sustainable Community Development
ISBN 9780774811439 , 2005 , Ann Dale, Dr Jenny Onyx
The Hunger Games 02. Catching Fire
ISBN 9781407109367 , 2009 , Suzanne Collins
The Differential and Integral Calculus Part 1
ISBN 9781432622473 , 2004 , Augustus De Morgan
The Differential and Integral Calculus Part 2
ISBN 9781432616885 , 2004 , Augustus De Morgan
Optimal Estimation of Dynamic Systems
ISBN 9781584883913 , 2004 , John L. Crassidis
Numerical Models for Differential Problems
ISBN 9788847010703 , 2009
Numerical Models for Differential Problems
ISBN 9788847010710 , 2010 , Alfio Quarteroni
Approximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems
ISBN 9780792362753 , 2000 , Panos M. Pardalos
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
ISBN 9780471307891 , 2003 , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Optimization by Vector Space Methods
ISBN 9780471181170 , 1998 , David G. Luenberger
Green's Functions and Linear Differential Equations: Theory, Applications and Computation
ISBN 9781439840085 , 2011 , Prem K. Kythe
Games of No Chance
ISBN 9780521646529 , 1998 , Richard J. Nowakowski
Applied Optimal Control: Optimization, Estimation, and Control
ISBN 9780891162285 , 1975 , Ho Yu-Chi, Arthur E. Bryson, Jr.
Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction
ISBN 9780415977210 , 2008 , Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen
Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems
ISBN 9780471089551 , 1997 , William E. Boyce, Richard C. DiPrima
Optimization Statistics & Designs in Pharmaceutics
ISBN 9780849394218 , 2000 , N. R. Bohidar
Basic Biomechanics with Dynamic Human CD-ROM and Powerweb
ISBN 9780071240628 , 2004 , Susan Jean Hall
A Dynamic Balance: Social Capital And Sustainable Community Development
ISBN 9780774811446 , 2006 , Ann Dale and Jenny Onyx
A Dynamic Approach to Second Language Development: Methods and Techniques
ISBN 9789027219992 , 2011 , Marjolyn Verspoor, Kees De Bot, Wander Lowie,m.fl.
Partial Differential Equations in Action
ISBN 9788847007512 , 2007 , Sandro Salsa
Numerical Optimization: theoretical and practical aspects : with 26 figures
ISBN 9783540001911 , 2002 , J. F. Bonnans, J.C. Lemarechal, C.A. Sagastizabal
Multi-state System Reliability Analysis and Optimization for Engineers and Industrial Managers
ISBN 9781849963190 , 2010 , Anatoly Lisnianski, Ilia Frenkel, Yi Ding
Self-Processes, Learning, and Enabling Human Potential: Dynamic New Approaches
ISBN 9781593119034 , 2008 , Dennis M. McInerney, Herbert W. Marsh,m.fl.
Object Detection In Image Using Particle Swarm Optimization: Object Detection In Image Using Predator Prey Optimization
ISBN 9783847379225 , 2012
The art of producing games
ISBN 9781592006113 , 2005 , David McCarthy, Ste Curran, Simon Byron
Maya for Games: Modeling and Texturing Techniques With Maya and Mudbox
ISBN 9780240810645 , 2008