Søk: 'Encyclopedia of Social Theory'
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Myths an Culture
ISBN 9781861607867 , 2003
Constructing Childhood: Theory, Policy and Social Practice
ISBN 9780333948910 , 2004 , Allison James, Adrian L. James
Public relations and social theory: key figures and concepts
ISBN 9780415997867 , 2009 , oyvind Ihlen, Betteke van Ruler,m.fl.
Preliminary Discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot
ISBN 9780226134765 , 1995 , Jean Le Rond d' Alembert, Walter E. Rex
Understanding Media Cultures: Social Theory and Mass Communication
ISBN 9780761973638 , 2009 , Nick Stevenson
Photoshop CS2 VisualTM Encyclopedia
ISBN 9780764598609 , 2006 , Stephen Romaniello
Market Society: Markets and Modern Social Theory
ISBN 9780745620268 , 2001 , Don Slater, Fran Tonkiss
Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics: A-Ed
ISBN 9789004144736 , 2005 , Kees Versteegh
Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture
ISBN 9780803981874 , 1992
Globalization: social theory and global culture
ISBN 9780803981867 , 1992
U2: The Complete Encyclopedia
ISBN 9780946719419 , 2001 , Mark Chatterton, U2
A Langston Hughes Encyclopedia
ISBN 9780313303920 , 2002 , Hans Ostrom
Philosophy of Social Science
ISBN 9780813345925 , 2012 , Alexander Rosenberg
The Color Encyclopedia of World Art
ISBN 9780517522080 , 1975
Virtue as Social Intelligence: An Empirically Grounded Theory
ISBN 9780415999106 , 2009 , Nancy E. Snow
The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia
ISBN 9780521630993 , 1998 , David Crystal
Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780262572224 , 2005 , Alexander L. George, ALEXANDER L AUTOR GEORGE,m.fl.
The Encyclopedia Britannica Almanac
ISBN 9780852299234 , 2002 , Encyclopedia Britannica
Sociological Theory
ISBN 9781259010835 , 2013 , Ritzer
Sociological Practice: Linking Theory and Social Research
ISBN 9780761954309 , 1998 , Derek Layder
The Encyclopedia of Religion on CD-ROM
ISBN 9780028971247 , 1996 , Mircea Eliade
Critical Social Theory: Culture, History, and the Challenge of Difference
ISBN 9781557862884 , 1995
Theory of Knowledge
ISBN 9780340914762 , 2006 , Nicholas Alchin
Illuminating Social Life: Classical and Contemporary Theory Revisited
ISBN 9781412952361 , 2007 , Peter J. Kivisto
Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
ISBN 9780684840093 , 2010 , Eda Goldstein
The Encyclopedia of the Solid Earth Sciences
ISBN 9780632036998 , 1994 , Philip Kearey
The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
ISBN 9780007298969 , 2009 , Adele Nozedar
Sociological Practice: Linking Theory and Social Research
ISBN 9780761954293 , 1998 , Derek Layder
Theory of Addiction
ISBN 9781405113595 , 2006
A Jane Austen Encyclopedia
ISBN 9780313300172 , 1998 , Paul Poplawski