Søk: 'Evaluating Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Education (Hc)'
Arts-Based Research in Education: Foundations for Practice
ISBN 9780805863802 , 2007 , Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor, Richard Siegesmund
English for Business Studies in Higher Education Studies
ISBN 9781859649367 , 2008 , Carolyn Walker, Terry Phillips, Paul Harvey
ISDN: Applications in Education and Training
ISBN 9780852968604 , 1993 , Institution of Electrical Engineers, P.D. Bacsich
Evaluating the Impact of Your Library or Information Service
ISBN 9781856044882 , 2006 , Sharon Markless, David Streatfield
Qualitative Research in Education: Interaction and Practice
ISBN 9780761961406 , 2003 , Peter Freebody
Teaching Academic Writing in European Higher Education
ISBN 9781402012082 , 2003 , Lotte Rienecker, Lennart A. Bjork, Gerd Brauer,m.fl.
The EFQM Excellence Model in Higher Education
ISBN 9781905145041 , 2005 , Sue Jackson, Mick Hides, Jill Wild
Education and Social Integration: Comprehensive Schooling in Europe
ISBN 9781403983718 , 2009 , Susanne Wiborg
Advanced electronic communications systems
ISBN 9780130453501 , 2004 , Wayne Tomasi
Netter's Orthopaedics Electronic Book
ISBN 9781933247243 , 2006 , Walter Greene
Adult Education in a Multicultural Society
ISBN 9780415909136 , 1994 , Beverly Benner Cassara
Motivation in Education: Theory, Research, and Applications: International Edition
ISBN 9780137041374 , 2009 , Dale H. Schunk, Paul R. Pintrich, Judith L. Meece
English Literature Teacher Guide: Exploring the AQA Anthology
ISBN 9780007342150 , 2010 , Sarah Darragh, Phil Darragh, Mary Green,m.fl.
Compulsion Versus Liberty in Education, VIII
ISBN 9781856371643 , 1993 , David Botsford
Electoral Laws and Their Political Consequences (Hc)
ISBN 9780875860640 , 1986 , Arend Lijphart, Bernard N. Grofman
New Directions for Situated Cognition in Mathematics Education
ISBN 9781441943989 , 2010 , Anne Watson, Peter Winbourne
New Directions for Situated Cognition in Mathematics Education
ISBN 9780387715773 , 2008 , Anne Watson, Peter Winbourne
Siberian Education: Growing Up in a Criminal Underworld
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African American Middle-Income Parents: How Are They Involved in Their Children's Literacy Development? (HC)
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Good Education in Age of Measurement: Ethics, Politics, Democracy
ISBN 9781594517907 , 2010 , Gert J. J. Biesta
Philosophy of Education
ISBN 9780813345314 , 2011 , Nel Noddings
Theatre and Education
ISBN 9780230218574 , 2009 , Helen Nicholson
Electronic Devices and Circuits
ISBN 9780131219908 , 2004 , Jeffrey S. Beasley, Theodore F. Bogart,m.fl.
Advancing Educational Productivity: Policy Implications from National Databases (HC)
ISBN 9781593111137 , 2004 , Susan J. Paik, Herbert J. Walberg
Making a Difference: Developing Meaningful Careers in Education
ISBN 9781594517075 , 2009 , Karen Hunter Quartz, Brad Olsen, Lauren Anderson,m.fl.
Health and medical informatics education in Europe
ISBN 9789051994247 , 2000 , J. Mantas, Arie Hasman
The God pumpers: religion in the electronic age
ISBN 9780879723996 , 1987 , Marshall William Fishwick, Ray Broadus Browne
Hughes Electrical and Electronic Technology
ISBN 9780132060110 , 2008 , Keith Brown, Edward Hughes, John Hiley,m.fl.
Electronic and Experimental Music
ISBN 9780203427064 , 2003 , Thomas B. Holmes
Electronic Tools for Translators
ISBN 9781900650342 , 2001 , Frank Austermuhl