Søk: 'Foundations of Digital Signal Processing: Theory, Algorithms and Hardware Design'
Digital Design
ISBN 9780132129947 , 1991 , 2. utgave , M. Morris Mano
Multicriteria Scheduling: Theory, Models and Algorithms
ISBN 9783540282303 , 2006 , Vincent Tk?indt, Jean-Charles Billaut, H. Scott
Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms
ISBN 9780521642989 , 2003 , David J. C. MacKay
Co-synthesis of Hardware and Software for Digital Embedded Systems
ISBN 9780792396130 , 1995
Foundations of Utility and Risk Theory with Applications
ISBN 9789048183647 , 2010 , Fred Wenstøp, Bernt P. Stigum
Introduction to Digital Speech Processing
ISBN 9781601980700 , 2007 , Lawrence R. Rabiner, Ronald W. Schafer
Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780072283655 , 2003 , David A. Hodges, Horace G. Jackson,m.fl.
Organizational Theory and Design
ISBN 9781844809905 , 2010 , Hugh Willmott, Richard L. Daft, Jonathan Murphy
Database processing: fundamentals, design, and implementation
ISBN 9780131672673 , 2005 , David M. Kroenke
Hardware/Software Co-Design: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780792380139 , 1997 , Jørgen Staunstrup, Wayne Hendrix Wolf
Discrete-Time Signal Processing: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292025728 , 2013 , Ronald W. Schafer
Digital Image Sequence Processing, Compression, and Analysis
ISBN 9780849315268 , 2004 , Todd R. Reed
Combinatorial Algorithms Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780131524545 , 1977 , Edward M. Reingold
Multicriteria scheduling: theory, models and algorithms
ISBN 9783540436171 , 2002 , Jean-Charles Billaut
Digital Image Processing Using Matlab 2E
ISBN 9780070702622 , 2010 , 2. utgave , Gonzalez
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
ISBN 9780123744937 , 2008 , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
Digital Image Processing Using Matlab
ISBN 9788177588989 , 2004 , Rafael C. Gonzalez, Steven L. Eddins,m.fl.
Digital Principles and Logic Design
ISBN 9781934015032 , 2007 , N. Manna, Arjit Saha
Java: Software Solutions Foundations of Program Design
ISBN 9780273751472 , 2011 , John Lewis, William Loftus
Digital image processing: using MATLAB
ISBN 9780130085191 , 2004 , Rafael C. Gonzalez, Steven L. Eddins,m.fl.
Co-verification of Hardware and Software for ARM SoC Design
ISBN 9780750677301 , 2004
Web Development and Design Foundations with HTML5
ISBN 9780132783392 , 2012 , Terry Ann Felke-Morris
Digital Design: Principles And Practices
ISBN 9780131863897 , 2005 , John F. Wakerly
Digital Foundations: Intro to Media Design, With the Adobe Creative Suite
ISBN 9780321555984 , 2008 , Xtine Burrough, Michael Mandiberg
Analysis and Design of Algorithms in Combinatorial Optimization
ISBN 9783211816264 , 1981 , Giorgio Ausiello, Mario Lucertini
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface
ISBN 9780123706065 , 2007 , John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson
Parallel Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
ISBN 9780195100624 , 1997 , Stavros Andrea Zenios, Yair Censor
Digital Design [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780131989245 , 2007 , M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti
The Essence of Digital Design
ISBN 9780135701102 , 1997 , Barry Wilkinson
Java software solutions: foundations of program design
ISBN 9780321532053 , 2008 , John Lewis, William Loftus