Søk: 'France Southwest IG'
Kampen om den gule trøya: Tour de France gjennom historien : ...
ISBN 9788248907886 , 2008 , Hans Petter Bakketeig
France in the new century: portrait of a changing society
ISBN 9780140259223 , 2001 , John Ardagh
Parallel Lines: Printmakers, Painters and Photographers in Nineteenth-century France
ISBN 9780300089325 , 2001 , Stephen Bann
Diskursens orden: tiltredelsesforelesning holdt ved Collège de France 2. desember 1970
ISBN 9788243001305 , 1999 , Michel Foucault
Britain, France and the Struggle for Leadership in the European Union
ISBN 9780415365635 , 2006 , Anthony Adamthwaite
Affirmative Exclusion: Cultural Pluralism and the Rule of Custom in France
ISBN 9780801487477 , 2003 , Jean-Loup Amselle, Jane Marie Todd
Sexing La Mode: Gender, Fashion and Commercial Culture in Old Regime France
ISBN 9781859738351 , 2004
L'histoire de France: chronologie, événements, personnages
ISBN 9782091824307 , 1998 , Gérard Labrune, Philippe Toutain
La France: Précis de géographie
ISBN 9782040208950 , 1993 , Georges Danguillaume, Jean-Louis Humbert
Jean Fouquet and the Invention of France: Art and Nation After the Hundred Years War
ISBN 9780300134438 , 2011
institutions de la France: 5e République, 4 octobre 1958
ISBN 9782091830001 , 2004 , 5. utgave , Bernard De Gunten, Arlette Martin,m.fl.
Extreme Right in France: From Pétain to Le Pen
ISBN 9780415372008 , 2004 , James Shields
Irish Jansenists, 1600-70: religion and politics in Flanders, France, Ireland and Rome
ISBN 9781851829927 , 2008 , Thomas O'Connor
Viten om viten og refleksivitet: forelesninger holdt ved Collège de France 2000-2001
ISBN 9788253029368 , 2007 , Pierre Bourdieu, Tore Slaatta
Sannheten om Da Vinci-koden
ISBN 9788291614267 , 2005 , Marie-France Etchegoin
Dido's Daughters: Literacy, Gender, and Empire in Early Modern England and France
ISBN 9780226243122 , 2003 , Margaret W. Ferguson
Dido's Daughters: Literacy, Gender, and Empire in Early Modern England and France
ISBN 9780226243115 , 2003 , Margaret W. Ferguson
Political Leadership in a Global Age: The Experience of France and Norway
ISBN 9780754635567 , 2003 , Harald Baldersheim, Jean Pascal Daloz
"Society must be defended" : lectures at the Collège de France 1975-76
ISBN 9780140270860 , 2004 , Michel Foucault, Alessandro Fontana, David Macey
Facing the World: Great Moments in Photojournalism
ISBN 9780810903852 , 2001 , Agence France-Presse
Les institutions de France: Mise à jour au 1er octobre 1998
ISBN 9782091824253 , 1998 , Bernard De Gunten, Arlette Martin,m.fl.
A Description of the Coronation of the Kings and Queens of France: With an Historical Account of the Institution of That August Ceremony in France, and in Other Kingdoms of Europe
ISBN 9781147817034 , 2010 , Nicolas Menin
A History of France, from the Conquest of Gaul by Julius C]sa History of France, from the Conquest of Gaul by Julius C]sar to the Reign of Louis Phi
ISBN 9781143604836 , 2010 , Markham
A Question of Balance: How France And the United States Created Cold War Europe
ISBN 9780674022973 , 2006 , Michael H. Creswell
The Absolute Bourgeois: Artists and Politics in France, 1848-1851
ISBN 9780500272466 , 1982 , T. J. Clark
Women's Monasticism and Medieval Society: Nunneries in France and England, 890-1215
ISBN 9780801486159 , 1999 , Bruce L. Venarde
La politique étrangère de la France: acteurs et processus
ISBN 9782724607604 , 1999 , Marie-Christine Kessler
A garland of satire, wisdom, and history: Latin verse from twelfth-century France (Carmina Houghtoniensia)
ISBN 9780976547273 , 2007 , Jan M. Ziolkowski, Bridget K. Balint, Justin Lake,m.fl.
Euromech 280: Proceedings of the ..., Ecully, France, 29-31 October 1991
ISBN 9789054100591 , 1992 , L. Jezequel, C.H. Lamarque
Nouvelle histoire de la France.: Tome 2, De la Révolution à nos jours
ISBN 9782262019990 , 2002 , Jacques Marseille