Søk: 'Garfield as himself'
America As a World Power, 1897-1907
ISBN 9781103996407 , 2009
America As a World Power, 1897-1907
ISBN 9780217164702 , 2009
Slumdog Millionaire: Originally Published as Q&A
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Naming the Elephant: Worldview as a Concept
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Practice as Research in the Arts: Principles, Protocols, Pedagogies, Resistances
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Mouse Or Rat?: Translation As Negotiation
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Acts of Activism: Human Rights as Radical Performance
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Cities as sustainable ecosystems: principles and practices
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Governing Modern Britain: Aqa As Government & Politics
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AQA Physics B AS Physics in Context
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As Communication and Culture: The Essential Introduction
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Animal Biomarkers as Pollution Indicators
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Ezra Pound as Literary Critic
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A Balkan Custom: Half As Old As Time: A Study in Ancient Myth and Living Ritual
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Africa works: disorder as political instrument
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Communication as Comfort: Multiple Voices in Palliative Care
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AS Critical Thinking for OCR Unit 1
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AS/A2 PE/Sport Studies: Sports Psychology
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Environmental science: earth as a living planet
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Early Medieval Architecture as Bearer of Meaning
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Organic Chemistry II as a Second Language
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Virtue as Social Intelligence: An Empirically Grounded Theory
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Japan and China As Charm Rivals: Soft Power in Regional Diplomacy
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Consumerism: As a Way of Life
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Consumerism: As a Way of Life
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English as a Lingua Franca: attitude and identity
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Language learning and teaching as social inter-action
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Business As Usual: The Miquel Way
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Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet. International Student Version
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Approaches to Studying World-Situated Language Use: Bridging the Language-As-Product and Language-As-Action Traditions
ISBN 9780262701044 , 2004 , John C. Trueswell, Michael K. Tanenhaus