Søk: 'Gender Codes: Why Women Are Leaving Computing'
Codes and Consequences : Choosing Linguistic Varieties: Choosing Linguistic Varieties
ISBN 9780195115222 , 1998
Understanding Gender and Organizations
ISBN 9781848600164 , 2009 , Mats Alvesson, Yvonne Due Billing
Computing with Excel and VBA
ISBN 9780763756680 , 2008 , S. I. Krishan
Gender and Art.
ISBN 9780300077605 , 1999 , Gillian Perry
Why Read Marx Today?
ISBN 9780192805058 , 2003 , Jonathan Wolff
The World's Christians: Who they are, Where they are, and How they got there
ISBN 9781405188890 , 2011 , Douglas Jacobsen
Women of the Forest
ISBN 9780231132336 , 2004
Networks in Distributed Computing
ISBN 9780821809921 , 1998 , Marios Mavronicolas, Michael Merritt, Nir Shavit
Numerical Mathematics and Computing
ISBN 9780534351847 , 1999 , David Kincaid, E.W. Cheney
Women in Islam
ISBN 9780415248969 , 2001 , Anne-Sofie Roald
An Introduction to Quantum Computing
ISBN 9780198570493 , 2006 , Phillip Kaye, Raymond Laflamme, Michele Mosca
An Introduction to Quantum Computing
ISBN 9780198570004 , 2006 , Phillip Kaye, Raymond Laflamme, Michele Mosca
How languages are learned
ISBN 9780194370004 , 1999 , Nina Spada, Patsy M. Lightbown
Women in Religion
ISBN 9780826453044 , 2000 , BOWKER, Jean Holm
Gender, Politics & Communication
ISBN 9781572732421 , 2000 , Liesbet van Zoonen, Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi
All Families Are Psychotic
ISBN 9780007151707 , 2002 , Douglas Coupland
Are on the Horizon
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Why Deregulate Labour Markets?
ISBN 9780191522789 , 2000 , Gusta Esping-Andersen, Marino Regini
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms
ISBN 9783540715894 , 2007 , B. Beliczynski, A. Dzielinski, M. Iwanowski,m.fl.
Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms
ISBN 9783540715900 , 2007 , Bernadete Ribeiro, Bartlomiej Beliczynski,m.fl.
Women Food and God
ISBN 9780857201508 , 2010 , Geneen Roth
Gender and Art
ISBN 9780300077599 , 1999 , Gillian Perry, Gill Perry
Algorithmics.: The Spirit of Computing.
ISBN 9780321117847 , 2004
Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing
ISBN 9780262017503 , 2012 , Ulrik Ekman
Chicana Sexuality and Gender
ISBN 9780822342946 , 2008 , Debra J. Blake
Gender and the European Union
ISBN 9780230542334 , 2010 , Johanna Kantola
Feelings are facts: a life
ISBN 9780262182515 , 2006 , Yvonne Rainer
Translation and Gender
ISBN 9781900650052 , 1997 , Luise Von Flotow
Numerical Mathematics and Computing
ISBN 9780534201128 , 1994 , David Kincaid, E.W. Cheney
Interdisciplinary Computing in Java Programming
ISBN 9781402075131 , 2003 , Sun-Chong Wang