Søk: 'Global Shift, Third Edition: Transforming the World Economy'
AC Power Systems Handbook, Third Edition
ISBN 9780849340345 , 2009 , 3. utgave , Whitaker Jerry C
Political Theory, Third Edition: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333961803 , 2004 , 3. utgave , Andrew Heywood
Corporate Finance: The Core: Global Edition
ISBN 9780132545211 , 2010 , Jonathan Berk, Peter M. DeMarzo (Prof.)
Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780321269928 , 2005 , Theodore H. Cohn
The Global Food Economy: The Battle for the Future of Farming
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Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy: Third Edition
ISBN 9780061561610 , 2008 , 3. utgave , Joseph A. Schumpeter
Europe's third world: the European periphery in the interwar years
ISBN 9780754605997 , 2006 , Derek Howard Aldcroft
The World that Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present
ISBN 9780765623553 , 2012 , Kenneth Pomeranz, Steven Topik
A Modern History of the Kurds: Third Edition
ISBN 9781850434160 , 2003 , 3. utgave , David Mcdowall
The commanding heights: the battle for the world economy
ISBN 9780684835693 , 2002 , Daniel Yergin, Joseph Stanislaw
Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9780333689639 , 2004 , Robert O'Brien, Marc A. Williams
Principles of Macroeconomics, Global Edition
ISBN 9780273790020 , 2013 , Karl E. Case, Sharon M. Oster
Microeconomics with Calculus, Global Edition
ISBN 9780273789987 , 2013 , Jeffrey Perloff
Quantitative Analysis for Management, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292059327 , 2014 , Barry Render, Michael E. Hanna, Ralph M Stair,m.fl.
A History of Asia, Global Edition
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Behavior in Organizations: Global Edition
ISBN 9781408264300 , 2010 , Robert A. Baron
Political Theory, Third Edition: An Introduction
ISBN 9780333961797 , 2004 , 3. utgave , Andrew Heywood
International Economics: Theory & Policy: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273754206 , 2011 , Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc Melitz
Principles of Marketing: Global Edition
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International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292019550 , 2014 , Paul Krugman, Marc Melitz
International Political Economy: Pearson New International Edition
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Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, Global Edition
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Becker's World of the Cell: International Edition
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Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis, Third Edition
ISBN 9781584886976 , 2008 , 3. utgave
Essentials of Investments Global Edition
ISBN 9780077148249 , 2013 , Zvi Bodie, Alan Marcus
A Gentle Introduction to Stata, Third Edition
ISBN 9781597180757 , 2010 , 3. utgave , Dr Alan C Acock, Ph.D.
Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Third Edition
ISBN 9780072262872 , 2006 , 3. utgave , Mike Shema, Chris Davis
Fundamentals of Database Systems, Global Edition
ISBN 9781292097619 , Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe
American Empire and the Political Economy of Global Finance
ISBN 9780230236080 , 2008
Night Shift
ISBN 9780450042683 , 1978 , Stephen King