Søk: 'Improving Public Enterprise Performance: Concepts and Techniques'
Ecology: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780071111683 , 2004 , Manuel C. (Manuel Carl) Molles
Ecology: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780071122528 , 2002 , Manuel Carl Molles
Governance, Corruption, and Economic Performance
ISBN 9781589061163 , 2002 , International Monetary Fund, Sanjeev Gupta
Astrophysical Techniques
ISBN 9781420082432 , 2008 , C.R. Kitchin
Museums and Education: Purpose, Pedagogy, Performance
ISBN 9780415379366 , 2007 , Eilean Hooper-Greenhill
Public Communication Campaigns
ISBN 9781412987707 , 2012 , Charles K. Atkin
Public Finance
ISBN 9780078021688 , 2013 , Ted Gayer, Harvey Rosen
Modern Recording Techniques
ISBN 9780240810690 , 2009 , David Miles Huber, Robert E. Runstein
Enterprise Web Services Security
ISBN 9781584504139 , 2005 , Rickland D. Hollar, Richard Hollar
Bontrager's Handbook of Radiographic Positioning and Techniques
ISBN 9780323083898 , 2013 , Kenneth L. Bontrager, John P. Lampignano
Site-Specific Performance
ISBN 9780230576711 , 2010 , Mike Pearson
Public Finance
ISBN 9780071259392 , 2008 , Harvey S. Rosen, Ted Gayer
Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques
ISBN 9780803609686 , 2002 , Carolyn Kisner
Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics
ISBN 9780071316989 , 2011 , Samuel Adam Wathen,m.fl.
Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design
ISBN 9780132143011 , 2011 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore,m.fl.
Islam and Public Controversy in Europe
ISBN 9781472413130 , 2013 , Nilufer Gole
Distributed Systems: Concepts And Design
ISBN 9780321263544 , 2005 , Tim Kindberg, George F. Coulouris, Jean Dollimore
Public Health
ISBN 9781449600242 , 2011 , Bernard J. Turnock
Ecology: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780071122535 , 2001 , Manuel Molles
Structure and Performance of Cements
ISBN 9780419233305 , 2001 , John Bensted, Paul Barnes
Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics
ISBN 9780240805177 , 2003 , Michael Rabiger
Arabic Literary Salons in the Islamic Middle Ages: Poetry, Public Performance, and the Presentation of the Past
ISBN 9780268020323 , 2010
Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools
ISBN 9780240520681 , 2008 , Roey Izhaki
Architecting and Building Enterprise Solutions with COM+ and .NET
ISBN 9788120327054 , 2005 , Manu Gupta, Dhananjay Katre, Sapan Shah,m.fl.
Enterprise-scale Agile Software Development
ISBN 9781439803219 , 2009 , James Schiel, Phillip A. Laplante
Implementing Public Policy
ISBN 9781446266847 , 2014 , Michael Hill, Peter Hupe
Mixing Audio: Concepts, Practices and Tools
ISBN 9780240522227 , 2011 , Roey Izhaki
Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9780073525273 , 2009 , Ricki Lewis
Improving Learning Through the Lifecourse: Learning Lives
ISBN 9780415573726 , 2011 , Ivor F. Goodson, Gert J. J. Biesta,m.fl.
Hospitality Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases
ISBN 9780470083598 , 2010 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews