Søk: 'International consumer behavior: its impact on marketing strategy development'
The Human Impact: On the Natural Environment
ISBN 9780631199786 , 2000 , Andrew Goudie
Learning and Behavior: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292022741 , 2013 , James E. Mazur
Studyguide for Consumer Behavior by Mowen & Minor, ISBN 9780130169723: 0130169722
ISBN 9781428809093 , 2006 , Mowen and Minor
International Marketing: A Global Perspective
ISBN 9781861524560 , 1999 , Helmuth Leihs, Hans Muhlbacher, Lee Dahringer
As the Web Is Spun: Research Perspectives on Marketing Communication and Consumer Behaviour on the World Wide Web
ISBN 9781897866825 , 1995 , Pierre Berthon, Leyland F. Pitt,m.fl.
Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning
ISBN 9780071162005 , 1999 , John Tanner, F.Robert Dwyer
International marketing and export management
ISBN 9780201419641 , 1998 , Jesper Strandskov, Gerald S. Albaum, Edwin Duerr
Command And Control In The Information Age: Representing Its Impact
ISBN 9780117729841 , 2002
Economics of Strategy, 6th Edition International Student Version
ISBN 9781118319185 , 2013 , 6. utgave , David Besanko
Consumer Psychology
ISBN 9780335229284 , 2010
Social Media Marketing: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292023533 , 2013 , Michael R. Solomon
Textbook on International Human Rights
ISBN 9780199672813 , 2013 , Rhona Smith
The Euro: Its Origins, Development and Prospects
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Entrepreneurial Pricing: The Cinderella of Marketing Strategy
ISBN 9781897866849 , 1995 , Pierre Berthon, Leyland F. Pitt,m.fl.
Contemporary Direct and Interactive Marketing: International Edition
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Consumer Psychology
ISBN 9780335229277 , 2010 , Cathrine Jansson-Boyd
Impact Assessment for Development Agencies: Learning to Value Change
ISBN 9780855984182 , 1999 , Chris J. R. Roche,m.fl.
Economics of Strategy, 5th Edition International Student Version
ISBN 9780470484838 , 2009 , 5. utgave , David Besanko, David Dranove, Mark Shanley,m.fl.
Consumer-Centric Category Management: How to Increase Profits by Managing Categories Based on Consumer Needs
ISBN 9780471703594 , 2005 , A.C. Nielsen, ACNielsen, John Karolefski,m.fl.
Framework for Marketing Management: International Edition
ISBN 9780132301428 , 2006 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Handbook of Research in International Marketing
ISBN 9781840649468 , 2003 , Subhash C. Jain
The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy, 1650 to the Present
ISBN 9780521719254 , 2008 , Jan de Vries
Financial Accounting Theory: Its Nature and Development
ISBN 9781741030310 , 2003 , Scott Henderson, Graham Peirson, Kate Harris
Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9780131217829 , 2003 , Schiffman
Consumer Behaviour, Global Edition
ISBN 9780273787136 , 2014 , Leon Schiffman
The Mjølnir Impact Event and its Consequences: Geology and Geophysics of a Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Marine Impact Event
ISBN 9783540882596 , 2010 , Henning Dypvik, Filippos Tsikalas, Morten Smelror
Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism: International Edition
ISBN 9780132453134 , 2009 , Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen
Aid: Understanding International Development Cooperation
ISBN 9781842770399 , 2003 , John Degnbol-Martinussen, Poul Engberg-Pedersen
Aid: understanding international development cooperation
ISBN 9781842770382 , 2003 , John Degnbol-Martinussen, Poul Engberg-Pedersen
On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism
ISBN 9780805210514 , 1996 , Gershom Gerhard Scholem