Søk: 'Interpreting Diana: Television Audiences and the Death of a Princess'
The Seventh Gate: A Death Gate Novel
ISBN 9780553573251 , 1996 , Tracy Hickman, Margaret Weis
A Fatal Attraction: Public Television and Politics in Italy
ISBN 9780742519497 , 2005 , Cinzia Padovani, Giuseppe Richeri
Live television: time, space and the broadcast event
ISBN 9780761959090 , 2007 , Stephanie Marriott
Love & Death: The Murder of Kurt Cobain
ISBN 9780743484848 , 2005 , Max Wallace, Ian Halperin, Kurt Cobain
Lighting for Digital Video and Television
ISBN 9780240812274 , 2010 , John Jackman
Markus og Diana: Lyset fra Sirius
ISBN 9788203245879 , 2003 , Klaus Hagerup
Death of a Salesman: Play in Two Acts
ISBN 9780822202905 , 2002 , Arthur Miller
The Death of the Big Men and the Rise of the Big Shots: Custom and Conflict in East New Britain
ISBN 9780857458728 , 2013 , Keir Martin
Creative explorations: new approaches to identities and audiences
ISBN 9780415396585 , 2007 , David Gauntlett
Love & Death: The Murder of Kurt Cobain
ISBN 9780749083052 , 2004 , Max Wallace, Ian Halperin
A taste for death
ISBN 9780140129540 , 1989 , P.D. James, Phyllis Dorothy James
Television Policies of the Labour Party 1951-2001
ISBN 9780203501061 , 2003
Interpreting Northern Ireland
ISBN 9780198273806 , 1991 , John Whyte, Garret FitzGerald
Crazy Train: The High Life and Tragic Death of Randy Rhoads
ISBN 9781906002374 , 2011 , Joel McIver, Zakk Wylde
Seeing Things: Television in the Age of Uncertainty
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Surviving Production: The Art of Production Management for Film and Television
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Television Drama: Theories and Identities
ISBN 9780333968888 , 2004 , Sue Thornham, Tony Purvis
Television Drama: Theories and Identities
ISBN 9780333968871 , 2004 , Sue Thornham, Tony Purvis
Death of a Salesman: Certain Private Conversations in Two Acts, and a Requiem
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A Matter of Life Or Death: Surviving Hurricane Katrina
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A Death on Faculty Row
ISBN 9781413757453 , 2005 , Jean Gillespie
Markus og Diana: lyset fra Sirius
ISBN 9788242110855 , 2004 , Klaus Hagerup
Adapa and the South Wind: Language Has the Power of Lif and Death
ISBN 9781575060484 , 2001 , Sholomo Izreel
Seven Minutes: The Life and Death of the American Animated Cartoon
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Death on the Nile
ISBN 9780007119325 , 2001 , Agatha Christie
The Last Red Death
ISBN 9780340734292 , 2003 , Kyle Mills
White Death: A Novel from the Numa Files
ISBN 9780425196670 , 2004 , Clive Cussler, Paul Kemprecos
The Spears of Twilight: Life and Death in the Amazon Jungle
ISBN 9781565844384 , 1998 , Phillipe Descola
Excellent Cadavers: The Mafia and the Death of the First Italian Republic
ISBN 9780099594918 , 1996 , Alexander Stille
Creative Explorations: New Approaches to Identities and Audiences
ISBN 9780415396592 , 2007 , David Gauntlett