Søk: 'Islam'
Fulbe Voices: Marriage, Islam, And Medicine In Northern Cameroon
ISBN 9780813340357 , 2002 , Helen A. Regis
Bak fiendebildet: Islam og verden etter 11. september
ISBN 9788202220754 , 2001 , Thomas Hylland Eriksen
Islam: a short introduction ; signs, symbols and values
ISBN 9781851681921 , 1999 , Abdulkader Tayob
The World of Islam: Tradition, Change and Conflict
ISBN 9780850487411 , 2001 , Richard Buckley
Islam på norsk: moskeer og islamske organisasjoner i Norge
ISBN 9788202184636 , 2000 , Kari Vogt
Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn
ISBN 9780804755955 , 2007 , Asef Bayat
"Believing Women" in Islam: Unreading Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur'an
ISBN 9780292709041 , 2002 , Asma Barlas
Turkish Islam and the Secular State: The Gulen Movement
ISBN 9780815630401 , 2003 , John L. Esposito, M. Hakan Yavuz
Islam in Asia: Religion, Politics, and Society
ISBN 9780195040821 , 1987 , John L. Esposito
The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam
ISBN 9780691020303 , 1984 , F. E. (Francis E.) Peters
The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam
ISBN 9780838632628 , 1985 , Bar Ye'or
Kommet for å bli: islam i Vest-Europa
ISBN 9788202141349 , 1995 , Kari Vogt
Islam i en moderne verden: et essay om dialog
ISBN 9788202240714 , 2004 , Peter Normann Waage
The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror
ISBN 9780753817520 , 2004 , Bernard Lewis
Mobilizing Islam: Religion, Activism, and Political Change in Egypt
ISBN 9780231125734 , 2002 , Carrie Rosefsky Wickham
An anthology of Ismaili literature: a Shi'i vision of Islam
ISBN 9781845117948 , 2008 , Kutub Kassam, Herman Landolt, S. Sheikh
Mimesis and Empire: The New World, Islam, and European Identities
ISBN 9780521543507 , 2004 , Stephen Orgel, Peter Holland, Barbara Fucha,m.fl.
Islam and New Kinship: Reproductive Technology and the Shariah in Lebanon
ISBN 9781845454326 , 2009 , Morgan Clarke
The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror
ISBN 9780297645481 , 2003 , Bernard Lewis
Islam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran
ISBN 9781850432692 , 2000 , Ziba Mir-Hosseini
Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn
ISBN 9780804755948 , 2007 , Assef Bayat
Turkish Islam and the Secular State: The Gèulen Movement
ISBN 9780815630159 , 2003 , John L. Esposito, M. Hakan Yavuz
A Common Justice: The Legal Allegiances of Christians and Jews Under Early Islam
ISBN 9780812243499 , 2011 , Uriel I. Simonsohn
Chosen among women: Mary and Fatima in medieval Christianity and ShÃite Islam
ISBN 9780268042318 , 2008 , Mary F. Thurlkill
Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Arab Worlds
ISBN 9780415103855 , 1993 , Nazih N. Ayubi
What Went Wrong?: The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East
ISBN 9780753816752 , 2002 , Bernard Lewis
Hva Er Galt Med Islam?: En Oppfordring Til Aerlighet Og Forandring
ISBN 9788202239107 , 2005 , Irshad Manji
99 spørsmål om islam: og noen færre svar
ISBN 9788292622049 , 2005 , Jan Hjärpe, Knut A. Lie
The challenge of fundamentalism : political Islam and the new world disorder
ISBN 9780520236905 , 2002 , Bassam Tibi
Islam and Muslims: A Guide to Diverse People in a Modern World
ISBN 9781931930161 , 2006 , Mark Sedgewick