Søk: 'Learning Genres: Learning Through Genres'
Cognitive Effects of Multimedia Learning
ISBN 9781605661582 , 2008
Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780761959168 , 1999 , Luís Aráujo, John G. Burgoyne
Organizational Learning and the Learning Organization: Developments in Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780761959151 , 1999 , Luís Aráujo, John G. Burgoyne
Behavior Analysis and Learning: Fifth Edition
ISBN 9781848726154 , 2013 , 5. utgave
Psychology of Learning and Motivation
ISBN 9780123744883 , 2009 , Brian H. Ross, Douglas Medin, Christopher Bauman,m.fl.
Computer Assisted Language Learning
ISBN 9780893915605 , 1991 , Keith Cameron
Using Humor to Maximize Learning: The Links Between Positive Emotions and Learning
ISBN 9781578867318 , 2007 , Mary Kay Morrison
Learning Theories: An Educational Perspective
ISBN 9780132435659 , 2008 , Dale H Schunk, PhD
Learning to Program with Alice
ISBN 9780132085168 , 2008 , Stephen Cooper, Wanda Dann, Randy Pausch
Learning And Development 4/E
ISBN 9781843980506 , 2005 , 4. utgave , Rosemary Harrison
Principles of Language Learning and Teaching
ISBN 9780131991286 , 2006 , H.Douglas Brown
Educational Psychology: Active Learning Edition
ISBN 9780205542789 , 2007 , Anita E. Woolfolk, Anita Woolfolk Hoy
Learning Democracy in School and Society: Education, Lifelong Learning, and the Politics of Citizenship
ISBN 9789460915109 , 2011
E-learning for Law Firms
ISBN 9781590315835 , 2006 , Steven H. Gluckman
Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
ISBN 9780262182539 , 2006 , Carl Edward Rasmussen, Christopher K. I. Williams
Second Language Teaching and Learning
ISBN 9780838408384 , 1998 , David Nunan
Quantitative Models of Learning Organizations
ISBN 9783211837245 , 2002 , Alfred Taudes, Herbert Dawid, Georg Dorffner,m.fl.
The Principles of Learning and Behavior
ISBN 9780495804611 , 2009 , Michael Domjan, James W. Grau, Mark A. Krause
Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9781259010767 , 2013 , Richard A. Magill
Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide
ISBN 9780787975883 , 2006 , Sharan B. Merriam, Rosemary S. Caffarella,m.fl.
Adult Education and Adult Learning
ISBN 9781575242576 , 2004 , Knud Illeris
Learning Piano: Piece by Piece
ISBN 9780195170030 , 2004 , Gerald M. Meier
Understanding Motivation for Lifelong Learning
ISBN 9781903107003 , 2002 , Jim Smith, Andrea Spurling, Campaign for Learning
Adult Education and Adult Learning
ISBN 9788778672940 , 2004
Online Education: Learning Management Systems
ISBN 9788256258949 , 2003 , Morten Flate Paulsen, Søren Nipper,m.fl.
Timesaver raps!; for learning English
ISBN 9788203310560 , 2003 , Katherine Stannett, Sarah Johnson
Timesaver raps!; for learning English
ISBN 9788203310577 , 2003 , Katherine Stannett, Sarah Johnson
Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation
ISBN 9780521423748 , 1991 , Jean Lave
Psychology of Learning and Behaviour
ISBN 9780393975918 , 2001 , Barry Schwartz, Edward A. Wasserman
Teaching for Quality Learning at University
ISBN 9780335242757 , 2011 , Biggs, John, Tang, Catherine