Søk: 'Marketing: forventninger, tilfredshet og kvalitet'
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780023051623 , 1998
Menneskekroppen: fysiologi og anatomi
ISBN 9788205348073 , 2006 , 2. utgave , Kari C. Toverud, Jan G. Bjålie,m.fl.
International Marketing
ISBN 9780030180224 , 1997 , Vern Terpstra, Ravi Sarathy
Kvalitet i helse- og sosialtjenesten: det er menneskene det kommer an på
ISBN 9788205298590 , 2004 , Karen Kaasa
Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice
ISBN 9780273746102 , 2012 , Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-chadwick
Green Marketing Management
ISBN 9780324789140 , 2010 , Robert Dahlstrom
Business Marketing Management: B2b
ISBN 9781133189572 , 2012 , Michael D Hutt
Marketing Channels
ISBN 9780130338426 , 2001 , Anne T. Coughlan
Business Marketing
ISBN 9780137573783 , 1998 , Edward G. Brierty, Robert R. Reeder
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations
ISBN 9781439081013 , 2010 , Dawn Iacobucci, Gilbert Churchill
Marketing Research with SPSS
ISBN 9780273703839 , 2008 , Patrick De Pelsmacker
Foundations of Marketing
ISBN 9780618705009 , 2006 , O. C. Ferrell, William M. Pride
Marketing Management Global Edition
ISBN 9780273753360 , 2011 , Kevin Lane Keller, Philip (Philip J.) Kotler
ISBN 9788759308349 , 2000 , Michael Chabert, Thea Vesterby
Principles of Marketing: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273752431
Marketing Management: International Edition
ISBN 9780138146030 , 2008 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Foundations of Marketing
ISBN 9780077109189 , 2006 , David Jobber, John Fahy, Mark Kavanagh
Barnelitteratur: sjangrar og teksttypar
ISBN 9788202348700 , 2012 , Tone Birkeland, Ingeborg Mjør
Tekstiler til klær og interiør: kvalitet, vedlikehold, kjøp
ISBN 9788271661311 , 1999 , Vibeke Køpke
Business marketing management: B2B
ISBN 9780324581638 , 2010
Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780071284608 , 2008 , William D. Perreault Jr., E. Jerome McCarthy,m.fl.
Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9780199556601 , 2012 , Douglas West, John Ford, Essam Ibrahim
Essentials of Global Marketing. Svend Hollensen
ISBN 9780273756545 , 2012 , Svend Hollensen
Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273721383 , 2010 , Patrick De Pelsmacker, Maggie Geuens,m.fl.
Consumer Democracy: The Marketing of Politics
ISBN 9780521545242 , 2014 , Margaret Scammell
Creative Arts Marketing
ISBN 9780750657372 , 2003 , Elizabeth Hill, Catherine O'Sullivan,m.fl.
Essentials of Marketing
ISBN 9780071283342 , 2007 , E. Jerome McCarthy, William D. Perreault, Jr.,m.fl.
Den gode assistenten: en forutsetning for kvalitet i barnehagen
ISBN 9788244609821 , 2010 , Kari Pape
Destination Marketing Organisations
ISBN 9780080443065 , 2004 , Steven Pike
Analysis for Strategic Marketing
ISBN 9780321001986