Søk: 'Marketing Leadership in Hospitality and Tourism: Strategies and Tactics for Competitive Advantage'
Tourism: Principles And Practice
ISBN 9780273684060 , 2005 , Chris Cooper, John Fletcher, Stephen Wanhill,m.fl.
Teams, Leadership and Coaching
ISBN 9789197747318 , 2009 , Thomas Sewerin
International Tourism: Cultures and Behavior
ISBN 9780750678971 , 2009 , Yvette Reisinger
Leadership: Theori and practice
ISBN 9781412974882 , 2011 , Peter Guy Northouse
Accounting and Finance for the International Hospitality Industry
ISBN 9780750623810 , 1995 , Peter J. Harris
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780132771863 , 2012 , Gary A. Yukl
Leadership and Diversity: Challenging Theory and Practice in Education
ISBN 9781412921831 , 2007 , Jacky Lumby, Marianne Coleman
Leadership and Management in Education: Cultures, Change and Context
ISBN 9780199268573 , 2004 , Marianne Coleman, Peter Earley
Nordic tourism: issues and cases
ISBN 9781845410933 , 2008 , Colin Michael Hall, Dieter K. Müller,m.fl.
e-Study Guide for: Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage by Jeffery K. Pinto, ISBN 9780132664158
ISBN 9780132664158 , 2012 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel
ISBN 9781565491694 , 2003 , Deborah McLaren
Connecting Leadership and Learning: Principles for Practice
ISBN 9780415452922 , 2008 , John MacBeath, David Frost, Sue Swaffield,m.fl.
Religion and Tourism: Crossroads, Destinations and Encounters
ISBN 9780415549325 , 2010 , Michael Stausberg
Studyguide for Entrepreneurial Marketing: Real Stories and Survival Strategies by Buskirk & Lavik, ISBN 9780324158632
ISBN 9781428805262 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry
ISBN 9780470393086 , 2010 , David K. Hayes, Allisha Miller
Leadership and Diversity: Challenging Theory and Practice in Education
ISBN 9781412921824 , 2007 , Jacky Lumby, Marianne Coleman
Studyguide for Challenging Students to Learn: How to Use Effective Leadership and Motivation Tactics by Daniel Tomal, ISBN 9781578865918
ISBN 9781428833531 , 2011 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
ISBN 9780684841489 , 1998 , Michael E. Porter
ISBN 9781854505057 , 2003 , Richard Sharpley
Organizational Rhetoric: Situations and Strategies
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Ethics and Technology: Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing
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Managerial economics: applications, strategy, and tactics
ISBN 9780324058819 , 2001 , R. Charles Moyer, James R. McGuigan
Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers
ISBN 9781856176675 , 2009 , Chris Guilding
Connecting Leadership and Learning: Principles for Practice
ISBN 9780415452953 , 2008 , John MacBeath, David Frost, Sue Swaffield,m.fl.
Faith in Heritage: Displacement, Development, and Religious Tourism in Contemporary China
ISBN 9781611320749 , 2013 , Robert J. Shepherd
Leadership: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9781412941617 , 2007 , Peter Guy Northouse
Tourists and Tourism: A Reader
ISBN 9781577666363 , 2010 , Sharon Gmelch
Strategy synthesis: resolving strategy paradoxes to create competitive advantage. Concise version
ISBN 9781844801923 , 2005 , Bob De Wit, Ron Meyer
Leadership in Organizations
ISBN 9780132424318 , 2009 , Gary A. Yukl
Adr Client Strategies in the Middle East and Africa: Leading Lawyers on Assisting Multinational Companies in Adr Proceedings, Understanding Cultural Differences, and Developing Negotiation Tactics
ISBN 9780314909503 , 2009 , Multiple Authors, Multiple Contributors