Søk: 'Materials Processing During Casting'
Statics and Mechanics of Materials
ISBN 9780131911604 , 2004 , Russell Charles Hibbeler
Hillslope Materials and Processes
ISBN 9780198741831 , 1993 , M.J. Selby
Ceramics Science and Technology, Synthesis and Processing
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Principles of Digital Image Processing: Fundamental Techniques
ISBN 9781848001909 , 2009 , Wilhelm Burger, Mark J. Burge
Speech And Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing , Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition
ISBN 9780131873216 , 2008 , Daniel Jurafsky, Dan Jurafsky, James H. Martin
Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB
ISBN 9780470394526 , 2010 , Gérard Blanchet, Maurice Charbit
An Introduction to Materials Engineering and Science for Chemical and Materials Engineers
ISBN 9780471436232 , 2004 , Brian S. Mitchell
Antigen Processing and Presentation Protocols
ISBN 9780896037458 , 2000 , Joyce C. Solheim
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
ISBN 9780070285941 , 1999 , David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky,m.fl.
Natural Gas: Production, Processing, Transport
ISBN 9782710806936 , 1997
Statics and Mechanics of Materials
ISBN 9780130281272 , 2004 , Russell C Hibbeler
Mechanics of Engineering Materials
ISBN 9780582251649 , 1996
Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials
ISBN 9780080453729 , 2007 , Valery V. Vasiliev, Evgeny V. Morozov
Advances in Information Processing and Protection
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Database processing: fundamentals, design, and implementation
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Signal Processing for Mobile Communications Handbook
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Discrete-Time Signal Processing: Pearson New International Edition
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Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers
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Corpus processing for lexical acquisition
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The Science and Engineering of Materials: Si Edition
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Industrial Design: Materials and Manufacturing Guide
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Electrical Measurement, Signal Processing, and Displays
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Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach
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FPGA-based implementation of signal processing systems
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Constructing Landscape: Materials, Techniques, Structural Components
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Materials Selection in Mechanical Design
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The dance of freedom: Texas African Americans during Reconstruction
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Defects in Microelectronic Materials and Devices
ISBN 9781420043761 , 2008 , Daniel Fleetwood, Sokrates T. Pantolides,m.fl.
Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials
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The Representation and Processing of Compound Words
ISBN 9780199228911 , 2007 , Gary Libben, Gonia Jarema