Søk: 'Medical Anthropology in Ecological Perspective'
Genealogies for the Present: In Cultural Anthropology
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Corporate governance in banking: a global perspective
ISBN 9781845429409 , 2007 , Benton E. Gup
Cases in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
ISBN 9781555812072 , 2002 , ML Smiley, Peter H. Gilligan, D. S. Shapiro,m.fl.
Health and medical informatics education in Europe
ISBN 9789051994247 , 2000 , J. Mantas, Arie Hasman
Langman's Medical Embryology
ISBN 9780781743105 , 2004 , Thomas W. Sadler, Jan Langman
Reducing inequalities in health: a European perspective
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Macroeconomics: a European Perspective with MyEconLab
ISBN 9780273771821 , 2013 , Olivier Blanchard, Alessia Amighini
Concise Medical Dictionary
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Democracy and Democratization in Comparative Perspective: Conceptions, Conjunctures, Causes, and Consequences
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Medical Problems in Dentistry Text and Evolve EBooks Package
ISBN 9780702044755 , 2010 , Crispian Scully
Tropical Ecosystems and Ecological Concepts
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Langman Medical Embryology Int Ed
ISBN 9781451144611 , 2011 , Thomas W. Sadler
Concise Medical Dictionary
ISBN 9780192806970 , 2007 , Elizabeth A. Martin
Significant Others: Interpersonal and Professional Commitments in Anthropology
ISBN 9780299194703 , 2004 , Richard Handler
From Primitive to Postcolonial in Melanesia and Anthropology
ISBN 9780472066872 , 1999 , Bruce M. Knauft
Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology
ISBN 9780006862642 , 1993 , Clifford Geertz
Anthropology of Environmental Education
ISBN 9781614700333 , 2012 , Helen Kopnina
Global harms: ecological crime and speciesism
ISBN 9781604567700 , 2008 , Ragnhild Sollund
Administrative Medical Assisting
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Assessing Service Quality in Academic Libraries: User Perspective
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Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Multicultural Perspective: A Multicultural Perspective
ISBN 9781412987233 , 2011 , Allen E. Ivey, Mary Bradford Ivey,m.fl.
Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological Sciences
ISBN 9780123738745 , 2007 , Petter Laake, Bjørn Reino Olsen,m.fl.
Anxiety in Sports: An International Perspective
ISBN 9781560321439 , 1990 , Charles D. Spielberger, Dieter Hackfort
An Ecological Approach to Acanthocephalan Physiology
ISBN 9780521104708 , 2009 , D.W.T. Crompton
From Primitive to Postcolonial in Melanesia and Anthropology
ISBN 9780472096879 , 1999 , Bruce M. Knauft
Dictionary of Anthropology
ISBN 9788170411635 , 2002 , S.N. Madan
Rethinking Visual Anthropology
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Marketing Communications: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780273773221 , 2013 , Patrick De Pelsmacker, Joeri van den Bergh
Structural Anthropology
ISBN 9780465095162 , 1974 , Claude Lévi-Strauss
Empire of Difference: The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9780521887403 , 2008 , Karen Barkey