Søk: 'Mimesis, Poiesis, and Performativity in Education'
Approaches to Art in Education
ISBN 9780155028968 , 1978
Comparative education research: approaches and methods
ISBN 9789628093533 , 2007
African American Culture and Heritage in Higher Education Research and Practice
ISBN 9780275958442 , 1998 , Kassie Freeman
Cognitive and emotional processes in web-based education: integrating human factors and personalization
ISBN 9781605663920 , 2009
Education (Partnership Grant) Regulations 1998: Education, England and Wales
ISBN 9780110790503 , 1998 , Great Britain
The changing landscape of education in Africa: quality, equality and democracy
ISBN 9781873927113 , 2008 , David Johnson
Research project preparation within education and special needs education: introduction to Theory of Science
ISBN 9788276349771 , 2013 , Berit H. Johnsen
Democracy and education : an introduction to the philosophy of education
ISBN 9780684836317 , 1997 , John Dewey
Education and Identity in Rural France: The Politics of Schooling
ISBN 9780521616171 , 2004 , Meyer Fortes, Edmund Leach, Jack Goody,m.fl.
Adult Education and Adult Learning
ISBN 9781575242576 , 2004 , Knud Illeris
Adult Education and Adult Learning
ISBN 9788778672940 , 2004
Good Education in an Age of Measurement: Ethics, Politics, Democracy
ISBN 9781594517914 , 2011 , Gert J. J. Biesta
Like a Natural Woman: Constructing Gender from Performance to Performativity
ISBN 9783639080322 , 2008 , Jennifer Douglas
Beyond Learning by Doing: Theoretical Currents in Experiential Education
ISBN 9780415882088 , 2011 , Jay W. Roberts
Teacher diversity in diverse schools: challenges and opportunities for teacher education
ISBN 9788275181709 , 2009 , Ole Kolbjørn Kjørven, Bjørg-Karin Ringen,m.fl.
Beyond quality in early childhood education and care: languages of evaluation
ISBN 9780415418492 , 2007 , Gunilla Dahlberg
International Handbook of the Religious, Moral, and Spiritual Dimensions in Education
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Teaching Academic Writing in European Higher Education
ISBN 9781402012099 , 2003 , Lotte Rienecker, Lennart A. Bjork, Gerd Brauer,m.fl.
Mothers and education: inside out?: exploring family-education policy and experience
ISBN 9780333565933 , 1993 , Miriam E. David
Subject Teaching and Teacher Education in the New Century: Research and Innovation
ISBN 9789629490607 , 2002 , Yin Cheong Cheng, King Wai Chow, Kwok Tung Tsui
New Mathematics Education Research and Practice
ISBN 9789077874745 , 2006 , Jürgen Maass, Wolfgang Schlöglmann
The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Sociology of Education
ISBN 9780415327763 , 2003 , Stephen Ball
The Routledgefalmer Reader in the Philosophy of Education
ISBN 9780415345729 , 2005 , Wilfred Carr
Education for Patients and Clients
ISBN 9780415148504 , 1999 , Vivien Coates
Media Education: Literacy, Learning, and Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9780745628301 , 2003 , David Buckingham
Arts-Based Research in Education: Foundations for Practice
ISBN 9780805863802 , 2007 , Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor, Richard Siegesmund
English for Business Studies in Higher Education Studies
ISBN 9781859649367 , 2008 , Carolyn Walker, Terry Phillips, Paul Harvey
Justice and Caring: The Search for Common Ground in Education
ISBN 9780807738184 , 1999 , Nel Noddings, Michael S. Katz, Kenneth A. Strike
The Managerial School: Post-Welfarism and Social Justice in Education
ISBN 9780415224864 , 2001 , Sharon Gewirtz
Teaching Academic Writing in European Higher Education
ISBN 9781402012082 , 2003 , Lotte Rienecker, Lennart A. Bjork, Gerd Brauer,m.fl.