Søk: 'Nationalism in Europe: A Reader'
Jesus Beyond Nationalism: Constructing the Historical Jesus in a Period of Cultural Complexity
ISBN 9781845534103 , 2009 , Halvor Moxnes, Ward Blanton, James G. Crossley
Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe
ISBN 9780754665076 , 2009 , Peter Burke
Islam and Public Controversy in Europe
ISBN 9781472413130 , 2013 , Nilufer Gole
Nations without Nationalism
ISBN 9780231081047 , 1993 , Julia Kristeva
New Europe in the Changing Global System, A
ISBN 9789280809343 , 1997 , United Nations University, Richard A. Falk,m.fl.
Internal Colonization in Medieval Europe
ISBN 9780754659723 , 2008 , Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, James Muldoon
Respiratory Epidemiology in Europe
ISBN 9781904097167 , 2001 , Amund Gulsvik, Isabella Annesi-Maesano, G. Viegi
A Schoenberg Reader: Documents of a Life
ISBN 9780300095401 , 2003 , Joseph Henry Auner
Nationalism: Theory, Idealogy, History
ISBN 9780745626598 , 2001
Britain & Europe: A Political History Since 1918
ISBN 9780415400206 , 2010 , N.J. Crowson
A Guide to Bird-watching in Europe
ISBN 9780370104768 , 1975 , James Ferguson-Lees, Quentin Hockliffe,m.fl.
Language and Gender: A Reader
ISBN 9780631195955 , 1998 , Jennifer Coates
Culture, Power, History: A Reader in Contemporary Social Theory
ISBN 9780691021027 , 1993 , Nicholas B. Dirks, Sherry B. Ortner
Nationalism, terrorism, communalism: essays in modern Indian history
ISBN 9780195643138 , 1998 , Peter Heehs
Political Ideologies: A Reader And Guide
ISBN 9780199248377 , 2005 , Matthew Festenstein, Michael Kenny
Many Voices: A Multicultural Reader
ISBN 9780139756245 , 2000
The Welfare State: A Reader
ISBN 9780745622521 , 2000 , Christopher Pierson, Francis G. Castles
Affective Education in Europe
ISBN 9780304339884 , 1998 , Peter Lang, Isabel Menezes
The Witchcraft Reader
ISBN 9780415415651 , 2008 , Darren Oldridge
Ritual in Early Modern Europe
ISBN 9780521602402 , 2005 , Edward Muir
American Photographs in Europe
ISBN 9789053833049 , 1994 , Mick Gidley
Business Cultures in Europe
ISBN 9780750608725 , 1993 , Peter King, Collin Randlesome, William Brierley,m.fl.
The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Inclusive Education
ISBN 9780415336659 , 2004 , Keith J. Topping, Sheelagh Maloney
Nations and Nationalism, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9781405134422 , 2006 , 2. utgave , Ernest Gellner
The Politics of Globalization: A Reader
ISBN 9780618395996 , 2006 , Mark Kesselman
Muslims in Western Europe
ISBN 9780748606177 , 1995 , Jørgen S. Nielsen
Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives: Third Edition
ISBN 9780745330426 , 2010 , 3. utgave , Thomas Hylland Eriksen
A Grand Illusion?: An Essay on Europe
ISBN 9780814743584 , 2011 , Tony Judt
McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication Theory
ISBN 9780761972433 , 2002 , Denis McQuail
A Certain Idea of Europe
ISBN 9780801472961 , 2006 , Craig Parsons