Søk: 'Non-Farm Rural Livelihoods'
Fear As a Way of Life: Mayan Widows in Rural Guatemala
ISBN 9780231100328 , 1999 , Linda Green
Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries: Development and History
ISBN 9780716724469 , 1993 , Marvin Jay Greenberg
Documentary: A History of the Non-fiction Film
ISBN 9780195078985 , 1993 , Erik Barnouw
Reasons for Success: Learning from Instructive Experiences in Rural Development
ISBN 9781565490772 , 1999 , Milton J. Esman, Norman T. Uphoff,m.fl.
Environment, development and change in rural Asia-Pacific: between local and global
ISBN 9780415404143 , 2006 , John Connell, Eric Waddell
Music in Rural New England Family and Community Life,1870-1940
ISBN 9781584654155 , 2004 , Jennifer C. Post
Caste and Kinship in Central India: A Study of Fiji Indian Rural Society
ISBN 9780415487573 , 2008 , Adrian C. Mayer
Safety at the Sharp End: A Guide to Non-technical Skills
ISBN 9780754645986 , 2008 , Rhona Flin, Margaret Crichton
Advances in the Applications of Non-Standard Finite Difference Schemes
ISBN 9789812564047 , 2005 , Ronald E. Mickens
Atlas of Non-Invasive Coronary Angiography by Multidetector Computed Tomography
ISBN 9780387330440 , 2006 , Guillem Pons-Lladó, Rubén Leta-Petracca
Accountability Without Democracy: Solidary Groups and Public Goods Provision in Rural China
ISBN 9780521692809 , 2007 , Lily Lee Tsai
Market and Societal Orientation in the Non Profit Sector
ISBN 9781861810731 , 1999 , Susan Foreman, M. Liao
How We Learn: Learning and Non-Learning in School and Beyond
ISBN 9780415438469 , 2007 , Knud Illeris
How We Learn: Learning and Non-Learning in School and Beyond
ISBN 9780203939895 , 2007 , Knud Illeris
A bountiful harvest: the midwestern farm photographs of Pete Wettach, 1925-1965
ISBN 9780877458135 , 2002 , Arthur Melville "Pete" Wettach, Christie Vilsack,m.fl.
Farm Animal Well-Being: Stress Physiology, Animal Behavior and Environmental Design
ISBN 9780136602002 , 1999 , Solon A. Ewing, Donald C. Lay,m.fl.
Non-Western Educational Traditions: Indigenous Approaches to Educational Thought and Practice
ISBN 9780805848571 , 2004 , Timothy G. Reagan
The Human Farm: A Tale of Changing Lives and Changing Lands
ISBN 9781565490390 , 1995 , Katie Smith
The Chironomidae: Biology and Ecology of Non-Biting Midges
ISBN 9780412452604 , 1994 , P. S. Cranston, L. C. V. Pinder, Peter Armitage
How We Learn: Learning and Non-Learning in School and Beyond
ISBN 9780415438476 , 2007 , Knud Illeris
Adding Values to Livestock Diversity. Marketing to Promote Local Breeds and Improve Livelihoods: Fao Animal Production and Health Paper
ISBN 9789251064535 , 2010 , Food and Agriculture Organization, Evelyn Mathias,m.fl.
Agricide: The Hidden Farm and Food Crisis That Affects Us All
ISBN 9780894649455 , 1996 , Dr Michael W Fox
Enterprise Information Security: Information Security For Non-technical Decision Makers
ISBN 9780273661573 , 2002 , Peter A. Gregory
Forward Soviet!: History and Non-Fiction Film in the USSR
ISBN 9781860642821 , 1999 , Graham Roberts
Beyond the Rural-urban Divide: Cross-continental Perspectives on the Differentiated Countryside and Its Regulation
ISBN 9781848551381 , 2009
The Mind and Society (Trattato Di Sociologia Generale): Non-Logical Conduct
ISBN 9780766151475 , 2003 , Vilfredo Pareto, Arthur Livingston
Black globalism: the international politics of a non-state nation
ISBN 9781855218956 , 1998 , Sterling Johnson
Land-use Changes and Their Environmental Impact in Rural Areas in Europe
ISBN 9781850700470 , 1999 , Jacques Baudry, Rudolf Kronert, Annette Reenberg
Non-State Actor Dynamics in International Law: From Law-Takers to Law-Makers
ISBN 9781409403166 , 2010
The molecular epidemiology of tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacteria in Mubende district, Uganda
ISBN 9788277252315 , 2012 , Adrian Muwonge