Søk: 'Norway'
Encounters with literature: the didactics of English literature in the context of the foreign language classroom in Norway
ISBN 9788276342703 , 2000 , Elisabeth Ibsen, Signe Mari Wiland
Language teaching and learning in a multicultural context: case studies from primary education in the Netherlands and Norway
ISBN 9788270993994 , 2004 , Else Ryen, Jeff Bezemer, Sjaak Kroon,m.fl.
Eighteenth International Seaweed Symposium: Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Seaweed Symposium held in Bergen, Norway, 20 - 25 June 2004
ISBN 9781402056697 , 2006 , Robert J. Anderson, Juliet A. Brodie,m.fl.
Kong Christian Den Fjerdes Norske Lovbog Af 1604: Efter Foranstaltning Af Det Akademiske Kollegium V
ISBN 9781113029683 , 2009 , Norway Fr. Brandt Frederik H Hallager
Jewish Life and Culture in Norway: Wegeland's Legacy : Exhibition January 15-March 22, 2003, Scandinavia House, New York
ISBN 9780974460109 , 2003 , Britt Ormaasen, Oskar Kvasnes, Ann Sass
Multimodality: Text, Culture and Use : Proceedings from the 2nd International Conference on Multimodality May 14-16, 2004, Kristiansand, Norway
ISBN 9788276345742 , 2005 , Maj Asplund Carlsson, Anne Løvland
ECOOP '88 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming: Oslo, Norway, August 15-17, 1988. Proceedings
ISBN 9783540500537 , 1988 , Stein Gjessing, Kristen Nygaard
Identity and Privacy in the Internet Age: 14th Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems, NordSec 2009, Oslo, Norway, 14-16 October 2009, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642047657 , 2009 , Audun Josang, Torleiv Maseng,m.fl.
Inntekts- og formuesskatt 1993: stortingsvedtak, forskrifter, nordisk skatteavtale
ISBN 9788200217961 , 1993 , Kjersti Selberg, Norway. Stortinget
Soga om birkebeinar og baglar: B?glunga s?gur
ISBN 9788256005048 , 1988 , Hallvard Magerøy, Kjeldeskriftfondet (Norway)
Soga om birkebeinar og baglar
ISBN 9788256005376 , 1988 , Hallvard Magerøy, Kjeldeskriftfondet (Norway)
Networked Services and Applications - Engineering, Control and Management: 16th EUNICE/IFIP WG 6.6 Workshop, EUNICE 2010, Trondheim, Norway, June 28-30, 2010, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642139703 , 2010 , Svein J. Knapskog, Finn Arve Aagesen
The Art of Social Relations: Essays on Culture, Social Action and Everyday Life in Modern Norway
ISBN 9788213028677 , 1992 , Marianne Gullestad
Sentrale dommer til arbeidsmiljøloven
ISBN 9788205392670 , 2009 , Børre Pettersen, Atle Sønsteli Johansen,m.fl.
The curriculum for the 10-year compulsory school in Norway; Norwegian, English and drama and rhythmics for deaf pupils
ISBN 9788248600350 , 1999
Societal Decision-Making: Democratic Challenges to State Technocracy : Confrontations Over Nuclear, Hydro-Power and Petroleum Projects in Norway
ISBN 9781855212695 , 1992 , Svein S. Andersen, Tom R. Burns
Kitchen-table society: a case study of the family life and friendships og young working-class mothers in urban Norway
ISBN 9788215001036 , 2001 , Marianne Gullestad
Laboratory correlates of immunity to influenza--A reassessment: University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 2-3 May, 2002, proceedings of a scientific workshop
ISBN 9783805577359 , 2003 , L.R. Haaheim, J.M. Wood, G.C. Schild, Fred Brown,m.fl.
Against Ouverture and Each Other: A Comparative Analysis of Contrasting Attitudinal Bases to Anti-EU Sentiment in France and Norway
ISBN 9781902496191 , 2000 , Jocelyn Evans, Vera Tolz, Rachel K. Gibson
"Ytringsfrihed bør finde Sted": forslag til ny Grunnlov [artikkel] 100 : utredning fra en kommisjon oppnevnt ved Kongelig resolusjon 26. august 1996
ISBN 9788258304989 , 1999 , Henrik G. Bastiansen, Kyrre Eggen,m.fl.
Fugl Føniks - Ålesund opp av asken: Bind 3 i triologien
ISBN 9788291024080 , 2009 , Terje Olsen, Harald Grytten, Malvin Dalhus,m.fl.
The cecline of the pulp and paper industry in Norway, 1950-1980: a study of a closed system in an open economy
ISBN 9788200129592 , 1998 , Eli Moen
Epidemic diseases in Norway in a period of change: an atlas of some selected infectious diseases and the attitudes towards them 1868-1900
ISBN 9788274770300 , 2000 , Øivind Larsen
Morten Andersen: days of night ; [publ. in conjunction with the exhibition: "Flyktige Fortellinger" Museet for samtidskunst/"Fugitive Stories" The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Norway, 05.06. - 28.09.2003]
ISBN 9788291727165 , 2003 , 1. utgave
Sosiale og økonomiske studier
ISBN 9788253736396 , 1992 , Gustav Haraldsen, Hege Kitterød,m.fl.
I skriftas lys og teatersalens mørke: ein antologi om Ibsen og Fosse
ISBN 9788276346046 , 2005 , Henrik Ibsen, Jon Fosse, Gunnar Foss,m.fl.
Alternativ medisin: utredning
ISBN 9788258304675 , 1998 , m.fl.
A Summer in Norway: With Notes on the Industries, Habits, Customs and Peculiarities of the People, the History and Institutions of the Country, Its Climate, Topography and Productions: Also, an Account of the Red-Deer, Reindeer and Elk
ISBN 9781143001536 , 2010 , John Dean Caton
A Summer in Norway: With Notes on the Industries, Habits, Customs and Peculiarities of the People, the History and Institutions of the Country, Its Climate, Topography and Productions: Also, an Account of the Red-Deer, Reindeer and Elk
ISBN 9781142078966 , 2010 , John Dean Caton
Studies in the development of linguistics in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden: papers from the conference on the history of linguistics in the Nordic countries, Oslo, November 20-22, 1994
ISBN 9788270992591 , 1996 , Even Hovdhaugen, Carol Henriksen, Fred Karlsson,m.fl.