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Energy for Rural Development
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The Sociology of Rural Life
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Sociedad y cultura en América Latina
ISBN 9788245003604 , 2006 , María C. Álvarez-Solar, Elisabeth Fonseca
Adult education in the rural context: people, place, and change
ISBN 9780470289754 , 2008 , Adult and Continuing Education,m.fl.
A Chinese economic revolution: rural entrepreneurship in the twentieth century
ISBN 9780742553545 , 2006 , Linda Grove
The Struggle Against Mourning
ISBN 9780765705082 , 2007 , Ilany Kogan
Understanding Globalization
ISBN 9780761947943 , 2003 , Tony Schirato, Jen Webb, Jennifer Webb
Biogeochemical Cycles in Globalization and Sustainable Development
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Surveys in Social Research
ISBN 9780415268585 , 2001 , David de Vaus
Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures, and Cultural Framings
ISBN 9780521485166 , 1996 , Joel S. Migdal, Peter Lange, Robert H. Bates,m.fl.
A Crime Against Art
ISBN 9783905829372 , 2008 , Maria Lind, Hila Peleg, Charles Esche,m.fl.
Globalization/anti-globalization: beyond the great divide
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Fundamentalism: Prophecy and Protest in an Age of Globalization
ISBN 9780521149792 , 2011 , Torkel Brekke
The Struggle Against Mourning
ISBN 9780765705075 , 2007 , Ilany Kogan
Agricultural growth, rural poverty and environmental degradation in India
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Globalization and Football
ISBN 9781412921282 , 2009 , Richard Giulianotti
Cults in Context: Readings in the Study of New Religious Movements
ISBN 9780765804785 , 1998 , Lorne L. Dawson
The Plot Against America
ISBN 9780224075138 , 2004 , Philip Roth
Globalization and Crime
ISBN 9781412912907 , 2007 , Katja Franko Aas
Land-use Changes and Their Environmental Impact in Rural Areas in Europe
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In Defense of Globalization: With a New Afterword
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Education and Identity in Rural France: The Politics of Schooling
ISBN 9780521616171 , 2004 , Meyer Fortes, Edmund Leach, Jack Goody,m.fl.
Rough Guide to Costa Brava 1
ISBN 9781858288024 , 2002 , Rough Guides, Chris Lloyd
Globalization: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN 9780199662661 , 2013 , Manfred Steger
West European Politics in the Age of Globalization
ISBN 9780521719902 , 2008 , Hanspeter Kriesi, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal,m.fl.
Business Ethics: Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization
ISBN 9780199564330 , 2010 , Dirk Matten, Andrew Crane
Against Equality of Opportunity
ISBN 9780199265480 , 2003 , Matt Cavanagh
Recentering Globalization
ISBN 9780822329855 , 2003
Against Equality of Opportunity
ISBN 9780199243433 , 2002 , Matt Cavanagh
Globalization: The Key Concepts
ISBN 9780857857422 , 2014 , Thomas Hylland Eriksen