Søk: 'Population and Nutrition: An Essay on European Demographic History'
Alternatives for Welfare Policy: Coping with Internationalisation and Demographic Change
ISBN 9780521047197 , 2007
Fox and Cameron's Food Science, Nutrition & Health
ISBN 9780340809488 , 2006 , Mike Lean, Brian A. Fox, Allan Gillies Cameron,m.fl.
Gnostiske essay
ISBN 9788252164442 , 2004 , Jon Fosse
Film History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071151412 , 2003 , David Bordwell
All About Nutrition
ISBN 9788172453572 , 2008
Alternatives for Welfare Policy: Coping with Internationalisation and Demographic Change
ISBN 9780521814065 , 2003
Poetokrati: essay
ISBN 9788243002821 , 2003 , Geir Gulliksen
European Romanticism: A Brief History with Documents
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Antipoder: essay
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The Ebbing of European Ascendancy: An International History of the World 1914-1945
ISBN 9780340555668 , 2002 , Sally Marks
Utilitarianism and On Liberty: Including 'Essay on Bentham' and Selections from the Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin
ISBN 9780631233510 , 2003 , Mary Warnock, Mill John Stuart
Nutrition: A Functional Approach
ISBN 9780321740212 , 2010 , Janice Thompson, Judy Diane Sheeshka,m.fl.
Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History
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Introduction to Population Genetics
ISBN 9780131911734 , 2004 , Richard Halliburton
Politics and Economics in the History of the European Union
ISBN 9780415329415 , 2005 , Alan S. Milward
Politics and Economics in the History of the European Union
ISBN 9780203391310 , 2005 , Alan S. Milward
The Population of Europe
ISBN 9780631218814 , 2000 , Massimo Livi Bacci
Utilitarianism and on Liberty: Including Mill's 'Essay on Bentham' and Selections from the Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin
ISBN 9780631233527 , 2003 , John Stuart Mill, Jeremy Bentham, Mary Warnock,m.fl.
Film History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780070384293 , 2002 , David Bordwell
Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance
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Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance
ISBN 9780873229395 , 2000 , Melinda M. Manore, Janice L. Thompson
50/50: essay
ISBN 9788252175523 , 2010 , Frode Grytten
Introduction to Population Genetics
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Human Nutrition [With CDROM]
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Anthropometry: The Individual and the Population
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An Abridged History of World Costume and Fashion
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Integration, Growth, and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union
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Practical Public Health Nutrition
ISBN 9781444329223 , 2010 , Roger Hughes
Neonatology: Questions and Controversies Series: Gastroenterology and Nutrition
ISBN 9781416031604 , 2008 , Josef Neu, M.D., Richard Alan Polin
Ageing Well: Nutrition, Health, And Social Interventions
ISBN 9780849374746 , 2007 , Alan D. Dangour, Astrid E. Fletcher,m.fl.