Søk: 'Pro Tools 9: Music Production, Recording, Editing and Mixing'
Compilers, principles, techniques, and tools
ISBN 9780201100884 , 1986 , Jeffrey D. Ullman, Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi
Music And Manipulation: On the Social Uses and Social Control of Music
ISBN 9781845450984 , 2005 , Steven Brown, Ulrik Volgsten
Production Management for Film and Video
ISBN 9780240515533 , 1999 , Richard Gates
Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands 9
ISBN 9781741793215 , 2012 , Jean-Bernard Carillet, Dean Starnes
Mixing and Mastering with IK Multimedia T-RackS: The Official Guide
ISBN 9781435457591 , 2010 , Bobby Owsinski
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
ISBN 9780120884070
Music Genres and Corporate Cultures
ISBN 9780415174008 , 1999 , Keith Negus
Fearless Editing: Crafting Words and Images for Print, Web, and Public Relations
ISBN 9780205393541 , 2004 , Carolyn Dale, Tim A. Pilgrim
Magnetic Nanostructures in Modern Technology: Spintronics, Magnetic MEMS and Recording
ISBN 9781402063374 , 2007 , G. Asti, B. Azzerboni, L. Pareti, M. Ghidini
Sniffy the Virtual Rat Pro, Version 3.0
ISBN 9781111827939 , 2011 , Greg Wilson, Jeff Graham
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
ISBN 9780201101942 , 1986 , 1. utgave , ALFRED V AUTOR AHO, RAVI AUTOR SETHI,m.fl.
Music and memory: an introduction
ISBN 9780262692373 , 2001 , Bob Snyder, Robert Snyder
Music, imagination, and cultutre
ISBN 9780198163039 , 1992 , Nicholas Cook
Fermented Beverage Production
ISBN 9780306477065 , 2002 , Andrew G.H. Lea, John Raymond Piggott
Studying Popular Music Culture
ISBN 9781446207727 , 2013 , Tim Wall
Compilers: principles, techniques, & tools
ISBN 9780321486813 , 2006 , Jeffrey D. Ullman, Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam,m.fl.
ISBN 9780324360837 , 2006 , Wayne L. Winston, S.Christian Albright,m.fl.
Music Distribution: Selling Music in the New Entertainment Marketplace
ISBN 9781470070069 , 2012 , C. Michael Brae
Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, and Tools
ISBN 9780691122557 , 2005 , Alexander J. McNeil, Rüdiger Frey,m.fl.
Documentary in Practice: Filmmakers and Production Choices
ISBN 9780745636122 , 2006 , Jane L. Chapman
Documentary in Practice: Filmmakers and Production Choices
ISBN 9780745636115 , 2006 , Jane L. Chapman
Engineering Methods and Tools for Software Safety and Security
ISBN 9781586039769 , 2009 , M. Broy, W. Sitou, T. Hoare
Exposed: Inside the Life and Images of a Pro Photographer
ISBN 9780321811233 , 2012 , Michael Clark
Video Production Handbook
ISBN 9780240515977 , 2001 , Gerald Millerson
Pro ASP.NET 4.0 in C# 2010
ISBN 9781430225294 , 2010 , Matthew MacDonald, Adam Freeman
Voice and Vision: A Creative Approach to Narrative Film and DV Production
ISBN 9780240811581 , 2011 , Mick Hurbis-Cherrier
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, & Tools
ISBN 9780321491695 , 2006 , Jeffrey D. Ullman, Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam,m.fl.
Cased Hole and Production Log Interpretation
ISBN 9780878144655 , 1996 , James J. Smolen, Jim Smolen
Music and the Racial Imagination
ISBN 9780226702001 , 2001 , Philip Vilas Bohlman, Ronald M. Radano
Cut By Cut: Editing Your Film Or Video
ISBN 9780941188999 , 2004 , Gael Chandler