Søk: 'Probability And Statistical Inference'
Statistical Quality Control: A Modern Introduction
ISBN 9781118322574 , 2012 , Douglas C. Montgomery
Studyguide for Probability and Statistics by Walpole, ISBN 9780130415295: 0130415294
ISBN 9781428814196 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Raymond H. Myers,m.fl.
Statistical Methods for Geography
ISBN 9780761962885 , 2001 , Peter Rogerson
Probability & Statistics For Engineers & Scientists, 8/E
ISBN 9788131715529 , 2007 , 8. utgave , Walpole
Matrix Calculus and Zero-One Matrices: Statistical and Econometric Applications
ISBN 9780521022453 , 2005
Introduction to Probability Models, International Edition
ISBN 9780125980616 , 2003 , Sheldon M. Ross
Statistical Mechanics of Solids
ISBN 9780195119657 , 2000 , L.A. Girifalco
Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications and Methods, Preliminary Edition
ISBN 9780534391102 , 2004 , Beth L. Chance, Allan J. Rossman
Statistical methods for geography
ISBN 9780761962878 , 2001 , Peter A. Rogerson
Statistical Methods for Psychology [With CDROM and Infotrac]
ISBN 9780534377700 , 2001 , David C. Howell
Fundamentals of statistical and thermal physics.
ISBN 9780070518001 , 1965 , Frederick Reif
Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema
ISBN 9780674543362 , 1991 , David Bordwell
Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics
ISBN 9780070856158 , 1965 , Frederick Reif, Reif
Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Nanoscience
ISBN 9780815344308 , 2010 , Ken A. Dill, Sarina Bromberg
A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory
ISBN 9789812703705 , 2006 , Jeffrey Seth Rosenthal
ISBN 9780077139797
A Statistical Approach to Genetic Epidemiology: Concepts and Applications
ISBN 9783527312528 , 2006 , Inke R. Koenig, Andreas Ziegler
A Brief Introduction to Classical, Statistical, and Quantum Mechanics
ISBN 9780821842324 , 2006 , Oliver Bühler
Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Stochastic Simulation for Bayesian Inference
ISBN 9781584885870 , 2006 , Dani Gamerman, Hedibert Freitas Lopes
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis: Pearson New International Edition
ISBN 9781292024943 , 2013 , Richard A. Johnson, Dean W. Wichern
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780137131501 , 2009 , Barbara Finlay
Citizenship Rights and Social Movements: A Compartive and Statistical Analysis
ISBN 9780199240463 , 2000
Statistical Methods for Psychology
ISBN 9780534519933 , 1996 , David C. Howell
Simulation: a statistical perspective
ISBN 9780471930556 , 1992 , Jack P. C. Kleijnen, Willem van Groenendaal
Matrix Calculus and Zero-One Matrices: Statistical and Econometric Applications
ISBN 9780521807883 , 2001
Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780691034713 , 1994 , Robert Owen Keohane, Gary King, Sidney Verba
Statistical Methods for Detection and Quantification of Environmental Contamination
ISBN 9780471386506 , 2001 , Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt
Statistical yearbook of Norway 2003
ISBN 9788253763897 , 2003
A Primer in Probability, Second Edition
ISBN 9780824783488 , 1990 , 2. utgave , Kathleen Subrahmaniam
Statistical Persuasion: How to Collect, Analyze, and Present Data...Accurately, Honestly, and Persuasively
ISBN 9781412974967 , 2010 , Robert W. Pearson