Søk: 'Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel'
Communication and Channel Systems in Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9781560245803 , 1994 , Daniel R. Fessenmaier
The Geography Of Tourism And Recreation: Environment, Place And Space
ISBN 9780415335614 , 2005 , Stephen Page, Colin Michael Hall
Tourism Management. David Weaver, Laura Lawton
ISBN 9780470820223 , 2009 , 4. utgave , David Bruce Weaver, Laura Lawton
Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards
ISBN 9781442203440 , 2010 , David Collier, Henry E. Brady
Tourism Planning: An Integrated and Sustainable Development Approach
ISBN 9780471293927 , 1997 , Edward Inskeep
Sustainable Tourism Futures: Perspectives on Systems, Restructuring and Innovations
ISBN 9780415996198 , 2008 , C. Michael Hall, Stefan Gossling, David Weaver
Service Quality Management in Hospitality, Tourism, and Leisure
ISBN 9780789007261 , 2001 , Jay Kandampully, Beverley A. Sparks
Case Studies in Festival and Event Marketing and Cultural Tourism
ISBN 9781905369034 , 2006 , Jane Ali-Knight, Donna Chambers
Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Industries
ISBN 9780750640978 , 1998 , Alison Morrison, Clare Williams
Hosts and Guests: The Anthropology of Tourism
ISBN 9780812212808 , 1989 , Valene L. Smith
Faith in Heritage: Displacement, Development, and Religious Tourism in Contemporary China
ISBN 9781611320749 , 2013 , Robert J. Shepherd
Understanding the Sustainable Development of Tourism
ISBN 9781906884130 , 2010 , Janne J. Liburd, Deborah Edwards
Rethinking Middle East Politics: State Formation and Development
ISBN 9780745609089 , 1993 , Simon Bromley
Tourism, Tourists & Society: Tutor's Manual
ISBN 9781854502339 , 2003 , Richard Sharpley
National and regional tourism planning: methodologies and case studies
ISBN 9781861525796 , 1994 , Edward Inskeep,m.fl.
Rethinking Documentary: New Perspectives, New Practices
ISBN 9780335221929 , 2008 , Thomas Austin, Wilma de Jong
Tourism Planning: Basecs, Concepts, Cases
ISBN 9780415932691 , 2002
English for International Tourism
ISBN 9780582298514 , 1997 , Peter Strutt, Miriam Jacob
Economics for students at the AP programme in service, hospitality and tourism
ISBN 9788757127980 , Gry Asnæs, Annette Vangstrup
Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing and Delivering E-Learning
ISBN 9780415408745 , 2007 , Helen Beetham
National and regional tourism planning: methodologies and case studies
ISBN 9780415109901 , 1994 , World Tourism Organization, Edward Inskeep
Open Services Innovation: Rethinking Your Business to Grow and Compete in a New Era
ISBN 9780470905746 , 2011
Culture, Tourism, and Development: The Case of Ireland
ISBN 9780853233695 , 1994 , Ullrich Kockel
English for International Tourism Intermediate New Edition Coursebook and DVD-ROM Pack
ISBN 9781447923831 , 2013 , Peter Strutt
Cross-Cultural Behaviour in Tourism
ISBN 9780750656689 , 2002 , Lindsay W. Turner, Yvette Reisinger, PhD
Compliance Ideologies: Rethinking Political Culture
ISBN 9780521415811 , 1992 , Richard W. Wilson
Case Studies in Tourism Marketing
ISBN 9781862505025 , 2004 , Rob Harris, Leo Jago, Brian King
Financial Accounting for the Hospitality, Tourism and Retail Sectors
ISBN 9781842180907 , 2005 , Alice Luby, Donncha O'Donoghue
Management, Marketing and the Political Economy of Travel and Tourism
ISBN 9781871916607 , 2000 , Mike Robinson
Cross-Cultural Behaviour in Tourism
ISBN 9780080490861 , 2003 , PhD Yvette Reisinger, Lindsay Turner