Søk: 'SPOR Monograph: Recent Advances in Improved Oil Recovery Methods for North Sea Sandstone Reservoirs'
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Methods in Psychological Research
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Research Methods in Psychology
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Methods in Behavioral Research
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Norwegian oil history
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Nutrient Timing: Metabolic Optimization for Health, Performance, and Recovery
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Research Methods for History
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Decision making for technology executives: using multiple perspectives to improved performance
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Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
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Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
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Statistical Methods for Psychology
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Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Applications: Proceedings of the 2001 John H. Barrett Memorial Lectures, Trends in Mathematical Physics, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tn, May 10-12, 2001
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Methods in Behavioral Research
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Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching
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North and South
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The Christadelphians in North America
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