Søk: 'Scientific Papers and Presentations'
Five Papers on Functional Analysis
ISBN 9780821817629 , 1967 , E. R. Cekanovskii, L.D. Faddeev, I.S. Kac,m.fl.
2nd Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Conference in Europe: Papers
ISBN 9780878496785 , 1994 , E. J. Mittemeijer
Brazil: Struggle for Modernisation : Conference : Papers
ISBN 9780901145864 , 1993 , V. Bulmer-Thomas
Royal Flash: From The Flashman Papers, 1842-43 and 1847-48
ISBN 9780006511267 , 1999 , George MacDonald Fraser
Speaking Technically: A Handbook for Scientists, Engineers and Physicians on How to Improve Techincal Presentations
ISBN 9781860940347 , 1996 , Sinclair Goodlad
How to Prepare a Scientific Doctoral Dissertation Based on Research Articles
ISBN 9781107669048 , 2012 , Bjorn Gustavii
The Luck Factor: The Scientific Study of the Lucky Mind
ISBN 9781446440759 , 2011 , Richard Wiseman
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers
ISBN 9780226823362 , 2007 , Kate L. Turabian, Wayne C. Booth,m.fl.
Preserving scientific data on our physical universe: a new strategy for archiving the nation's scientific information resources
ISBN 9780309051866 , 1995 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Putting Science in Its Place: Geographies of Scientific Knowledge
ISBN 9780226487229 , 2003 , David N. Livingstone
Philosophical Concepts in Physics: The Historical Relation between Philosophy and Scientific Theories
ISBN 9780521578233 , 1998 , James T. Cushing
Archaeology and the emergence of Greece: collected papers on early Greece and related topics (1965-2002)
ISBN 9780748623334 , 2006 , A. M. Snodgrass
Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780691034713 , 1994 , Robert Owen Keohane, Gary King, Sidney Verba
Electromagnetic radiation: variational methods, waveguides and accelerators : including seminal papers of Julian Schwinger
ISBN 9783540292234 , 2006 , Kimball A. Milton, Julian Seymour Schwinger
Pan: from the papers of lieutenant Thomas Glahn
ISBN 9780141180670 , 1998 , Knut Hamsun, Sverre Lyngstad
Karl Pearson: The Scientific Life in a Statistical Age
ISBN 9780691126357 , 2005 , Theodore M. Porter
Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing
ISBN 9788175960961 , 2007
Karl Pearson: The Scientific Life in a Statistical Age
ISBN 9780691114453 , 2004 , Theodore M. Porter
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers
ISBN 9780226823379 , 2007 , Kate L. Turabian
Asian Test Symposium 10th Anniversary Compendium of Papers
ISBN 9780769512334 , 2001 , m.fl.
The Baha'i Faith and the World's Religions: Papers Presented at the Irfan Colloquia
ISBN 9780853984658 , 2005 , Moojan Momen
Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI: A Seamless Approach to Parallel Algorithms and Their Implementation
ISBN 9780521520805 , 2003 , Robert M. Kirby, George Em Karniadakis
A First Course in Scientific Computing: Symbolic, Graphic, and Numeric Modeling Using Maple, Java, Mathematica, and Fortran90
ISBN 9780691121833 , 2005 , Rubin H. Landau, Robyn Wangberg
Beyond sociology's Tower of Babel: reconstructing the scientific method
ISBN 9780202306667 , 2002
Beyond sociology's Tower of Babel: reconstructing the scientific method
ISBN 9780202306650 , 2001
From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning: An Illustrative Guide to Scientific Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence
ISBN 9783642212796 , 2011 , Achim Zielesny
Michel Foucault's Archaeology of Scientific Reason: Science and the History of Reason
ISBN 9780521366984 , 1989 , Gary Gutting
Aging and Alzheimer's Disease: Sensory Systems, Neuronal Growth, and Neuronal Metabolism : 6th Meeting : Papers
ISBN 9780897667258 , 1991 , John Herbert Growdon
How to Be a Scientist: Analyse This!: Understanding Scientific Enquiry
ISBN 9780431906775 , 2007 , Susan Glass
Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing Casc 2001: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Kons
ISBN 9783540423553 , 2001 , Ernst Mayr, Victor Grigor?evich Ganzha,m.fl.