Søk: 'Social Psychology with MyPsychLab'
Language As Social Action: Social Psychology and Language Use
ISBN 9780805831405 , 2001 , Thomas M. Holtgraves
Methods Of Research In Social Psychology
ISBN 9781428802131 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Educational Psychology (with MyLabSchool CourseCompass)
ISBN 9780205503506 , 2007 , Anita E. Woolfolk
Handbook of Social Psychology, 2 Volume Set
ISBN 9780470137475 , 2010 , Gardner Lindzey, Daniel T. Gilbert
Social Beings: A Core Motives Approach to Social Psychology
ISBN 9780471654223 , 2003
Applying social psychology: from problems to solutions
ISBN 9781412902830 , 2007 , Abraham P Buunk, Bram Buunk, Mark Van Vugt
Applying Social Psychology: From Problems to Solutions
ISBN 9781412902823 , 2007 , Abraham P. Buunk, Mark Van Vugt, Bram P. Buunk
Advances in Applied Social Psychology:
ISBN 9780898596694 , 1986 , Michael J. Saks, Leonard M. Saxe
An Introduction to Critical Social Psychology
ISBN 9780761962106 , 2002 , Alexa Hepburn
An Introduction to Critical Social Psychology
ISBN 9780761962090 , 2002 , Alexa Hepburn
Aps: Current Directions in Social Psychology
ISBN 9780131895836 , 2004 , Association for Psychological Science,m.fl.
Experiencing Social Psychology: Readings and Projects
ISBN 9780071121521 , 2002 , Ayala Malach Pines, Christina Maslach
Applying Social Psychology to Life: Personal Surveys for Baumeister/Bushman's Social Psychology and Human Nature
ISBN 9780495116349 , 2007 , Dr Roy F Baumeister, Joshua (CON) Feinberg,m.fl.
Social Work Processes with Infotrac
ISBN 9780534365592 , 2004 , Burt Galaway, Barry Cournoyer,m.fl.
Advances in Applied Social Psychology
ISBN 9780898592702 , 1983 , Michael J. Saks, Robert F. Kidd
Social psychology in the 80s
ISBN 9780534029265 , 1984 , Kay Deaux
The Social and Applied Psychology of Music
ISBN 9780198567424 , 2008 , Adrian North, David Hargreaves
Advances in Applied Social Psychology
ISBN 9780898590272 , 1980 , Robert F. Kidd, M. J. Saks
The Social Psychology of Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9780335207220 , 2002 , Zeynep Gurhan-Canli, Joseph R. Priester,m.fl.
Social Psychology, Canadian Edition. Study Guide
ISBN 9780130406699 , 2001 , ARONSON, Katherine M. Demitrakis, Donald Sharpe
The Social Psychology of Drug Abuse
ISBN 9780335206186 , 2001 , Stephen Sutton, Steve Sussman, Susan L. Ames
An Introduction to Social Psychology
ISBN 9780471537786 , 1973 , Henry Clay Lindgren
Scale Construction and Psychometrics for Social and Personality Psychology
ISBN 9780857024046 , 2011 , Mike Furr
Social Psychology: Exploring Universals Across Cultures
ISBN 9780716728498 , 1998 , Fathali M. Moghaddam
The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport
ISBN 9780335216185 , 2005 , Nikos Chatzisarantis, Martin Hagger
Environmental Psychology: A Psycho-social Introduction
ISBN 9780803979062 , 1995 , Mirilia Bonnes, Gianfranco Secchiaroli,m.fl.
The Social Psychology of Inclusion and Exclusion
ISBN 9781841690735 , 2005 , Michael A. Hogg, Dominic Abrams,m.fl.
Handbook of Social Psychology, 5th Edition, Volume Two
ISBN 9780470137499 , 2010 , 5. utgave , Gardner Lindzey, Daniel T. Gilbert
Valuepack:Educational Psychology (with MyLabSchool)/Study Guide
ISBN 9781405893411 , 2007 , Anita E. Woolfolk, Beth Popiel
Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Intergroup Processes
ISBN 9781405106542 , 2002 , Rupert Brown, Samuel L. Gaertner, Sam Gaertner