Søk: 'Something in the Cellar . . .: Ronald Searle's Wonderful World of Wine'
Languages of the World: An Introduction
ISBN 9780521175777 , 2012 , Asya Pereltsvaig
The World Is Flat: The Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780141022727 , 2006 , Thomas L. Friedman
The Origins of the Modern World: Fate and Fortune in the Rise of the West
ISBN 9780742554184 , 2007 , Robert B. Marks
Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making
ISBN 9781412959032 , 2010 , Reid Hastie, Robyn M. Dawes
Immigration and the Legacy of Harry S. Truman
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Around the World in 80 Days
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Angels in the Early Modern World
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Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers
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Politics and culture in the developing world: the impact of globalization
ISBN 9780205550579 , 2008 , Richard J. Payne, Jamal Raji Nassar
Panorama of the Classical World
ISBN 9780500287712 , 2008 , Nigel Jonathan Spivey, Michael Squire,m.fl.
Britain's Place in the World
ISBN 9780415139373 , 1996 , Alan S. Milward
Travel in the Ancient World
ISBN 9780801848087 , 1994 , Lionel Casson
The Geographies of Developing Areas: The Global South in a Changing World
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The Geographies of Developing Areas: The Global South in a Changing World
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Oz Clarke's Australian Wine Companion
ISBN 9780316728744 , 2006 , Oz Clarke
The World in Your Kitchen
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A Crack in the Edge of the World: The Great American Earthquake of 1906
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The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World
ISBN 9781844131556 , 2005 , Alister E. McGrath
The Geography of the World Economy
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Channels of Power: The Un Security Council and U. S. Statecraft in Iraq
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History Of The Modern World
ISBN 9780071121477 , 2001 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R. R. Palmer, Joel G. Colton
The EU and Neighbors: A Geography of Europe in the Modern World
ISBN 9780471655541 , 2007 , Brian W. Blouet
The Importance of Religion: Meaning and Action in Our Strange World
ISBN 9781405189712 , 2011 , Gavin Flood
The far side of the world
ISBN 9780006499251 , 2003 , Patrick O'Brian
The far side of the world
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Not the End of the World
ISBN 9780552771054 , 2003 , Kate Atkinson
Europe: The Exceptional Case : Parameters of Faith in the Modern World
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Religions in the Modern World: Traditions and Transformations
ISBN 9780415458917 , 2009 , Linda Woodhead, Christopher Partridge,m.fl.
City Reframed: Managing Warsaw in the 1990's
ISBN 9789058230652 , 2000 , Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges