Søk: 'State in Society: Studying How States and Societies Transform and Constitute One Another'
Shadowing: And Other Techniques for Doing Fieldwork in Modern Societies
ISBN 9788763002158 , 2007 , Barbara Czarniawska-Joerges
Crime and Society in England, 1750-1900
ISBN 9780582784857 , 2005 , Clive Emsley
Sport, Media and Society
ISBN 9781845206871 , 2009 , Eileen Kennedy, Laura Hills
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail Or Survive
ISBN 9780140279511 , 2006 , Jared M. Diamond
Myth and Society in Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780942299168 , 1989 , Janet Lloyd, Jean-Pierre Vernant
Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
ISBN 9781405199476 , 2010 , Xenia Chryssochoou, Assaad E. Azzi,m.fl.
Studying the Novel
ISBN 9780340985137 , 2010 , Jeremy Hawthorn
Myth and Society in Ancient Greece
ISBN 9780942299175 , 1990 , Janet Lloyd, Jean-Pierre Vernant
Mind and Mental States in the Dhammapada and the Bhagavadgita
ISBN 9788175740495 , 1999 , Arun Kumar Bandyopadhyay
Seeing the State: Governance and Governmentality in India
ISBN 9780521542555 , 2005 , Manoj Srivastava, Rene Veron, Jan Breman,m.fl.
Americans: history and life in the United States
ISBN 9788241711374 , 1999 , Torbjørn Sirevåg
States, Nations and Nationalism
ISBN 9780631196334 , 1996 , Hagen Schulze
Political Interaction in the Old Regime: Central Power and Local Society in the Eighteenth-Century Nordic States
ISBN 9780862383527 , 1994 , Harald Gustafsson, Alan Crozier
Assisting the Invisible Hand: Contested Relations Between Market, State and Civil Society
ISBN 9781402014444 , 2003 , Wim Dubbink, L.W. Nauta
Church and Society in England, 1000-1500
ISBN 9780333691441 , 2003
Common Security and Civil Society in Africa
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Migration, Family and the Welfare State: Integrating Migrants and Refugees in Scandinavia
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Anthropology, Politics, and the State: Democracy and Violence in South Asia
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Russian Politics and Society
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One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society
ISBN 9780415289771 , 2002 , Herbert Marcuse, Douglas M. Kellner
Teachers, Human Rights and Diversity: Educating Citizens in Multicultural Societies
ISBN 9781858563398 , 2005
Punishment and Civilization: Penal Tolerance and Intolerance in Modern Society
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Art and Society in the Middle Ages
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Children and Childhood in Western Society Since 1500
ISBN 9780582784536 , 2005 , Hugh Cunningham
Using Cases to Transform Mathematics Teaching And Learning: Improving Instruction in Algebra
ISBN 9780807745304 , 2005 , Margaret Schwan Smith, Edward A. Silver,m.fl.
Changing Classes: Stratification and Mobility in Post-Industrial Societies
ISBN 9780803988972 , 1993 , Gøsta Esping-Andersen
Collapse: how societies choose to fail or succeed
ISBN 9780670033379 , 2004
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed
ISBN 9780143057185 , 2004
The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies
ISBN 9780393320435 , 2000 , Marcel Mauss, W. D. Halls
Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies
ISBN 9780199289189 , 2006 , Will Kymlicka, Keith G. Banting