Søk: 'Stranger Than Fiction: A Book of Literary Lists'
The English Handbook: A Guide to Literary Studies
ISBN 9781405183758 , 2009 , William Whitla
Heavier Than Heaven: The Biography of Kurt Cobain
ISBN 9780340739396 , 2002 , Charles R. Cross, Charley Cross, Kurt Cobain
A Mensa Book of Logic Puzzles
ISBN 9788122201482 , 2006 , Alan Wareham
Beyond Literary Chinatown
ISBN 9780295987064 , 2007
Swedish Crime Fiction: The Making of Nordic Noir
ISBN 9788857519838 , 2014 , Kerstin Bergman
Intl Stdt Ed-Glossary of Literary Terms
ISBN 9781413033939 , 2009 , Geoffrey Galt Harpham, Meyer Howard Abrams
A Parent's Book of Uncommon Prayer
ISBN 9781594670930 , 2003 , Eydie Comeaux
History Meets Fiction
ISBN 9781408220122 , 2009 , Beverley C. Southgate
Symbolic Portrayal of Characters in Al - Tayeb Salih's Fiction: An Integrated Analytical Study of Fiction
ISBN 9783838335421 , 2010 , Rania Ali M. Al - Nour
A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory
ISBN 9780582894105 , 2005 , Peter Brooker, Peter Widdowson, Raman Selden
A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England: With Lists of Their Works ...: In Two Volumes Volume 2
ISBN 9781171925248 , 2010
A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland: With Lists of Their Works, Volume 5
ISBN 9781143990649 , 2010
A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland: With Lists of Their Works, Volume 5
ISBN 9781147010800 , 2010
A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland, and Ireland: With Lists of Their Works, Volume 2
ISBN 9781142931506 , 2010
Literary Occasions: Essays
ISBN 9780330420235 , 2005 , V. S. Naipaul
The Anthology of Colonial Australian Adventure Fiction
ISBN 9780522858617 , 2011 , Ken Gelder, Kenneth Gelder, Rachael Weaver
The Anthology of Colonial Australian Romance Fiction
ISBN 9780522856163 , 2010 , Rachael Weaver, Gelder And Weaver, , Ken Gelder
The Book of Illusions: A Novel
ISBN 9780571212231 , 2003 , Paul Auster
Trackers: Frog Tracks: Variety Fiction: Frog Tracks: Variety Fiction Pack Of 2
ISBN 9780198385264 , 2006 , Steve Barlow, Steve Skidmore, Susan Gates,m.fl.
Contemporary American Fiction
ISBN 9780748622689 , 2010
The Stranger at the Palazzo d'Oro
ISBN 9780141017570 , 2004 , Paul Theroux
The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses
ISBN 9780123694966 , 2008
Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Literary Terms
ISBN 9788126104833 , 2002 , A Team Of Experts
Elephant Elephant: A Book of Opposites
ISBN 9780810936997 , 2001 , Francisco Pittau, Bernadette Gervais
Fact and fiction 2B
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A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing
ISBN 9781451624458 , 2012 , Lawrence M. Krauss
The Hollywood book of death: the bizarre, often sordid, passings of more than 125 American movie and TV idols
ISBN 9780809222278 , 2001 , James Robert Parish
Literary Theory: The Basics
ISBN 9780203939628 , 2007 , Johannes Willem Bertens
Twice a stranger: how mass expulsion forged modern Greece and Turkey
ISBN 9781862077522 , 2006 , Bruce Clark
Stranger and friend: the way of an anthropologist
ISBN 9780393004106 , 1967 , Hortense Powdermaker