Søk: 'Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History Since 1945'
American Community Issues and Patterns of Development
ISBN 9780762304776 , 1998
The Taking
ISBN 9780007130771 , 2005 , Dean Koontz
Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation
ISBN 9781405190602 , 2010 , Roy Richard Grinker, Christopher B. Steiner,m.fl.
Perspectives on American politics
ISBN 9780395961025 , 2000 , William Lasser
Taking lives
ISBN 9780753820230 , 2004 , Michael Pye
Heartland #4: Taking Chances: Taking Chances
ISBN 9780439130257 , 2001 , Lauren Brooke
Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies
ISBN 9780077117443 , 2009 , Jay J. Coakley, Elizabeth Pike
Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies
ISBN 9780415467124 , 2009 , Melanie Smith
Berliner gramophone records: American issues, 1892-1900
ISBN 9780313292170 , 1995
A History of World Societies: Since 1500
ISBN 9780618610952 , 2006 , John P. McKay, John Buckler, Bennett David Hill,m.fl.
Europe since 1870: an international history
ISBN 9780140138436 , 1990 , James Joll
Postwar: a history of europe science 1945
ISBN 9780143037750 , 2006 , Tony Judt
Issues in Environmental Economics
ISBN 9780631235699 , 2002 , Nick Hanley, Colin J. Roberts
National Security And Immigration: Policy Development in the United States And Western Europe Since 1945
ISBN 9780804753777 , 2006
Sports in Society: Issues & Controversies
ISBN 9780071106399 , 2006 , Jay J. Coakley
The taking
ISBN 9780345450067 , 2004 , James David Landis
The Taking
ISBN 9780007130764 , 2004 , Dean R. Koontz
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays Volume II, . Since 1914
ISBN 9780495800170 , 2009 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology
ISBN 9780631229155 , 2005 , Henrietta L. Moore, Todd Sanders
American behavioral history: an introduction
ISBN 9780814798430 , 2005 , Peter N. Stearns
LSC A History of Russia: Since 1855
ISBN 9780072839142 , 2002 , Walter G. Moss
A Complexity Perspective on Researching Organisations: Taking Experience Seriously
ISBN 9780415351317 , 2005 , Ralph D. Stacey, Douglas Griffin
Anglo-American Relations Since 1939: The Enduring Alliance
ISBN 9780719047794 , 1997
Rise to globalism: American foreign policy since 1938
ISBN 9780140268317 , 1997 , Stephen E. Ambrose, Douglas Brinkley
American Behavioral History: An Introduction
ISBN 9780814798447 , 2005 , Peter N. Stearns
Fallen Pillars: U.S. Policy Towards Palestine and Israel Since 1945
ISBN 9780887282621 , 1995 , Donald Neff
Issues in English Teaching
ISBN 9780415206655 , 1999 , John Moss, Jon Davison
Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology
ISBN 9780273743675 , 2012 , Marc Brysbaert, Kathy Rastle
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations Volume II: Since 1914: Documents and Essays
ISBN 9780618370399 , 2005 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill,m.fl.
The American Pageant: A History of the American People
ISBN 9780547166544 , 2008 , David M. Kennedy, Lizabeth Cohen,m.fl.