Søk: 'Teaching Evaluation Using the Case Method: New Directions for Evaluation, Number 105'
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Faith in America [Three Volumes]: Changes, Challenges, New Directions
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Foot-and-mouth disease and export: an economic evaluation of preventive and control strategies for The Netherlands
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Studyguide for Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity by Donna M. Mertens, ISBN 9781412971904
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Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis
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The Comparative Method
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Banking Sector Liberalization in India: Evaluation of Reforms and Comparative Perspectives on China
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Corpora and Cross-Linguistic Research: Theory, Method, and Case Studies
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Reshaping The University: New Relationships Between Research, Scholarship And Teaching
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The Montessori Method
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New directions in Islamic thought: exploring reform and Muslim tradition
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The Teaching Voice
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Food Components to Enhance Performance: An Evaluation of Potential Performance-Enhancing Food Components for Operational Rations
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Eu Law: Directions
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Assessing Dynamics of Democratisation: Transformative Politics, New Institutions, and the Case of Indonesia
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