Søk: 'The Nordic Countries and Africa: Old and New Relations'
Bioclimatology and Biogeography of Africa
ISBN 9783540851912 , 2008
Public relations and social theory: key figures and concepts
ISBN 9780415997867 , 2009 , oyvind Ihlen, Betteke van Ruler,m.fl.
AIDS, South Africa and the Politics of Knowledge
ISBN 9780754670032 , 2007 , Jeremy R. Youde
Democracy and the New Religious Pluralism
ISBN 9780195307290 , 2007 , Thomas F. Banchoff
The Nordic Model: Scandinavia Since 1945
ISBN 9781861893666 , 2008
Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9780821415696 , 2004 , Bruce Berman, Will Kymlicka, Dickson Eyoh
Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9780852558614 , 2004 , Bruce Berman, Will Kymlicka, Dickson Eyoh
Rural Livelihoods and Diversity in Developing Countries
ISBN 9780198296966 , 2000 , Frank Ellis
Is There A Nordic Feminism?: Nordic Feminist Thought On Culture And Society
ISBN 9781857288780 , 1997 , Bente Rosenbeck, Drude von der Fehr
South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland
ISBN 9781741041620 , 2004 , Gemma Pitcher, Becca Blond, Jane Cornwell,m.fl.
The New Shakespeare And Other Travesties
ISBN 9781446010303 , 2010 , R. W. Criswell
European Integration and Industrial Relations
ISBN 9780230504103 , 2004 , Paul Marginson, Keith Sisson
Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice
ISBN 9780273646464 , 2001
Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics: International Edition
ISBN 9780205099160 , 2011 , Dennis L. Wilcox, Glen T. Cameron
The Making of Modern South Africa - Conquest Apartheid Democracy and History of Modern Africa Set
ISBN 9780470465417 , 2008 , Nigel Worden
Diamonds, Gold, and War: The British, the Boers, and the Making of South Africa
ISBN 9781586486419 , 2008 , Martin Meredith
A Quantitative Aeromicrobial Analysis of On-Campus Housing and Comparison of Microorganisms Found in Old and New Dormitories.
ISBN 9781243392244 , 2011 , Kevin Michael Bessey
Contemporary religion and church: a Nordic perspective
ISBN 9788251919623 , 2004 , Ole Gunnar Winsnes
Ethnicity and Democracy in Africa
ISBN 9780821415702 , 2004 , Bruce Berman, Will Kymlicka, Dickson Eyoh
Genre and the New Rhetoric
ISBN 9780748402564 , 1994 , Freedman, Aviva, Medway, Peter
Courts and Power in Latin America and Africa
ISBN 9780230621008 , 2010 , Siri Gloppen, Bruce M. Wilson, Roberto Gargarella,m.fl.
Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law
ISBN 9781849461177 , 2010 , Jeremy I. Levitt
Africa: Mapping New Boundaries in International Law
ISBN 9781841136189 , 2008 , Jeremy I. Levitt
Islam and Muslim Politics in Africa
ISBN 9781403979643 , 2007
Public Relations Metrics: Research and Evaluation
ISBN 9780805862737 , 2007 , Betteke van Ruler, Ana Tkalac Vercic,m.fl.
New Parties, New Media: Italy and the Internet
ISBN 9781902496078 , 1999
Startegic Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
ISBN 9788184500615 , 2008 , S.K. Bhatia
Democratization in Africa: Progress and Retreat
ISBN 9780801894848 , 2010 , Larry Diamond, Michael Bratton, Kate Baldwin,m.fl.
Regional Cooperation and International Organizations: The Nordic Model in Transnational Alignment
ISBN 9780415459648 , 2008 , Norbert Götz, Heidi Haggrén
Public Relations: Concepts, Practice and Critique
ISBN 9781412930482 , 2007 , Jacquie L'Etang