Søk: 'The Problem of Evil in the Western Tradition: From the Book of Job to Modern Genetics'
The Impact of the French Revolution : texts from Britain in the 1790s
ISBN 9780521579117 , 2005 , Iain Hampsher-Monk
Western attitudes toward death: from the Middle Ages to the present
ISBN 9780714525518 , 1976 , Philippe Aries
The Book of Bunny Suicides
ISBN 9780340829004 , 2010 , Andy Riley
The book of other people
ISBN 9780141029320 , 2008 , Zadie Smith
Dark Dreams 2.0: A Psychological History of the Modern Horror Film from the 1950s to the 21st Century
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The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in the Modern World
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Concepts & Methods in Social Science: The Tradition Of Giovanni Sartori
ISBN 9780415775779 , 2008 , John Gerring, David Collier
The Music of the Primes: Why an Unsolved Problem in Mathematics Matters
ISBN 9781841155807 , 2004 , Marcus du Sautoy
The Balkans: From the End of Byzantium to the Present Day
ISBN 9781842125441 , 2002 , Mark Mazower
Sentencing In The Age Of Information: From Faust To Macintoch
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Sentencing In The Age Of Information: From Faust To Macintoch
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A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780071107136 , 2006 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R.R. Palmer, Joel Colton
A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland/the Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides/2 Books in 1
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Andy Warhol 365 Takes
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Citizens to lords: a social history of western political thought from antiquity to the Middle Ages
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Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the Modern World from the Mongol Empire to the Present
ISBN 9780393977462 , 2002 , Robert L. Tignor
Pilgrimage in the Hindu Tradition: Salvific Space
ISBN 9780415590389 , 2012
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the World - From the Beginnings of Humankind to the Present
ISBN 9780393934922 , 2011 , Peter Brown, Robert L. Tignor, Stephen Aron,m.fl.
From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War
ISBN 9780674399785 , 1990 , Philippe Aries, Georges Duby, Arthur Goldhammer,m.fl.
General History of Civilization in Europe: From the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution (1838)
ISBN 9781104090753 , 2009 , M. Guizot
The Science Book: 250 Milestones in the History of Science
ISBN 9780304359189 , 2003
The Book of Lost Things
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An Introduction to the Anthropology of Melanesia: Culture and Tradition
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On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State
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The Legitimacy of the Modern Age
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Hermes in the Academy: Ten Years' Study of Western Esotericism at the University of Amsterdam
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The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
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A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty
ISBN 9780766185142 , 2004 , Washington Irving
A History of the Modern World
ISBN 9780077119317 , 2006 , Lloyd S. Kramer, R. R. Palmer, Joel G. Colton