Søk: 'The Ring Is Closed'
The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics
ISBN 9781610391849 , 2012 , Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Alastair Smith
Innføring i straffeprosess
ISBN 9788205449251 , 2013 , Steinar Fredriksen
The World Is Flat: The Globalized World in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780141034898 , 2007 , Thomas L. Friedman
A is for Apple
ISBN 9781599986586 , 2007 , Kate Johnson
Another World is Possible
ISBN 9781845537319 , 2009 , Marjorie Lewis, Dwight N Hopkins
A Wind is Blowing
ISBN 9781847450739 , 2009 , Monica Edwards
Oppvekst og psykologisk utvikling: innføring i psykologiske perspektiver
ISBN 9788215009506 , 2006 , Liv Mette Gulbrandsen
What is Philosophy?
ISBN 9780231079891 , 1996 , Gilles Deleuze, Graham Burchell, Hugh Tomlinson,m.fl.
Innføring i markedsføringsledelse
ISBN 9788232100262 , 2012 , Fred Selnes
Klasseledelse: for elevens læring
ISBN 9788232100545 , 2013 , Torlaug Løkensgard Hoel, May Britt Postholm,m.fl.
A Better World Is Possible
ISBN 9781846945144 , 2011 , Bruce Nixon
ISBN 9788273102621 , 2010 , Leif N. Olsen, Tor Inge Soma, Torstein Vigen
The Past is a Foreign Country
ISBN 9780521294805 , 1985 , David Lowenthal
How the night is divided: a novel
ISBN 9780929701332 , 1998 , David Matlin
M is for Magic
ISBN 9780747595687 , 2008 , Neil Gaiman
My Name is Red
ISBN 9780571244195 , 2008 , Orhan Pamuk, John Lee
The Shark's Paintbrush: Biomimicry and how Nature is Inspiring Innovation
ISBN 9781935952848 , 2013 , Jay Harman
Believing is Seeing
ISBN 9780953572601 , 1999
What is World Literature?
ISBN 9780691049861 , 2003
Aa Is For Aardvark
ISBN 9781402728716 , 2005 , Mark Shulman, Tamara Petrosino
Vurdering for læring
ISBN 9788276341935 , 2007 , Knut Roar Engh, Stephen Dobson,m.fl.
Vurdering for læring i klasserommet
ISBN 9788205406162 , 2010 , Trude Slemmen
Innføring i sannsynlighetsregning og statistikk
ISBN 9788202470043 , 2014 , Per Chr. Hagen
Elevens verden: innføring i pedagogisk psykologi
ISBN 9788215007373 , 2005 , 4. utgave , Gunn Imsen
The Debt Threat: How Debt Is Destroying the Developing World
ISBN 9780060560522 , 2004 , Noreena Hertz
By Being, it is: The Thesis of Parmenides
ISBN 9781930972032 , 2004 , Nestor-Luis Cordero
Kan læring planlegges?: arbeid med læreplaner - hva, hvordan, hvorfor
ISBN 9788205422773 , 2012 , Britt Ulstrup Engelsen
The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves
ISBN 9780141031637 , 2010
R Is for Ricochet
ISBN 9780425203866 , 2005 , Sue Grafton
What is History For?
ISBN 9780415350983 , 2005 , Beverley C. Southgate