Søk: 'The United States, Western Europe and the Polish Crisis'
Appointing Central Bankers: The Politics of Monetary Policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780521029841 , 2006 , Kelly H. Chang, Randall Calvert,m.fl.
Appointing Central Bankers: The Politics of Monetary Policy in the United States and the European Monetary Union
ISBN 9780521823333 , 2003 , Kelly H. Chang, Randall Calvert,m.fl.
A People And A Nation: A History of the United States, Since 1865
ISBN 9780618947775 , 2007 , Howard P. Chudacoff, William M. Tuttle,m.fl.
America's Missión: The United States and the Worldwide Struggle for Democracy in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780691044668 , 1994 , Tony Smith
The Spirit of '68: Rebellion in Western Europe and North America, 1956-1976
ISBN 9780199541591 , 2008
A Commentary to the United States-Netherlands Income Tax Convention
ISBN 9789065448934 , 1996 , Mary C. Bennett, Philip D. Morrison,m.fl.
Contestable Markets Theory: Competition & the United States Commercial Banking Industry
ISBN 9780815323907 , 1996 , By Dickens.
The Immigrant Threat: The Integration Of Old And New Migrants In Western Europe Since 1850
ISBN 9780252072949 , 2006 , Leo Lucassen
Let's Go: Western Europe 2004
ISBN 9781405033237 , 2004 , Let's Go, Inc. Staff, Sloan J. Eddleston
Gardner's Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective: The Western Perspective
ISBN 9780495573555 , 2008 , Helen Gardner, Fred S. Kleiner
Beauty, Health, and Permanence: Environmental Politics in the United States, 1955-1985
ISBN 9780521389280 , 1989 , Donald Worster, Alfred W. Crosby
Concise History of United States Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780742567108 , 2010 , Joyce P. Kaufman
Concise History of United States Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780742567092 , 2010 , Joyce P. Kaufman
United States of America South West
ISBN 9789812340016 , 2001 , Insight Guides
Coming Together?: Mexico-United States Relations
ISBN 9780815710271 , 1997 , Susan Margaret Collins, Brookings Institution,m.fl.
A Community of Witches: Contemporary Neo-paganism and Witchcraft in the United States
ISBN 9781570032462 , 1999 , Helen A. Berger
Immigrant Minds, American Identities: Making the United States Home, 1870-1930
ISBN 9780252025624 , 2000 , Orm Øverland
Municipal Accomplishment in City Planning and Published City Plan Reports in the United States
ISBN 9781141450886 , 2010 , Theodora Kimball Hubbard
Making Race and Nation: A Comparison of South Africa, the United States, and Brazil
ISBN 9780521585903 , 1998 , Joel S. Migdal, Peter Lange, Robert H. Bates,m.fl.
Crisis of the State: War and Social Upheaval
ISBN 9780857456533 , 2012 , Bruce Kapferer, Bjørn Enge Bertelsen
The Fleet the Gods Forgot: The United States Asiatic Fleet in World War II
ISBN 9781557509284 , 1994 , Walter G. Winslow
The Nationalization of Politics: The Formation of National Electorates and Party Systems in Western Europe
ISBN 9780521535205 , 2004 , Daniele Caramani
Ambivalent anti-colonialism: the United States and the genesis of West Indian independence, 1940-1964
ISBN 9780313287954 , 1994
It Didn't Happen Here: Why Socialism Failed in the United States
ISBN 9780393322545 , 2001 , Seymour Martin Lipset, Gary Wolfe Marks
Producing Islamic Knowledge: Transmission and Dissemination in Western Europe
ISBN 9780415661621 , 2012 , Martin Van Bruinessen, Stefano Allievi
Rethinking Comparative Cultural Sociology: Repertoires of Evaluation in France and the United States
ISBN 9780521782630 , 2000 , Michèle Lamont, Laurent Thevenot
European States and the Euro
ISBN 9780199250257 , 2002 , Kenneth H.F. Dyson
Our Own Backyard: The United States in Central America, 1977-1992
ISBN 9780807848579 , 2000 , William M. LeoGrande
The Western Reader
ISBN 9780879102685 , 1998 , Jim Kitses, Gregg Rickman
Britain and the United Nations
ISBN 9780117018662 , 1994 , Central Office of Information