Søk: 'The Western canon: the books and school of the ages'
The Norton Anthology of English Literature Major Authors Edition: The Middle Ages Through the Restoration And the Eighteenth Century
ISBN 9780393928303 , 2006 , Stephen Greenblatt
A Catalogue of the Fifteenth-century Printed Books in the Harvard University Library: Books printed in Rome and Venice
ISBN 9780866981118 , 1993 , Harvard University Library, James Edward Walsh
Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages
ISBN 9781840649222 , 2002 , Carlota Pérez
The Business of Books: How the International Conglomerates Took Over Publishing and Changed the Way We Read
ISBN 9781859843628 , 2001 , André Schiffrin
Janson's History of Art: The Middle Ages: Portable Edition -
ISBN 9780205161133 , 2010 , David Simon, Penelope J.E. Davies,m.fl.
Instruments of devotion: the practices and objects of religious piety from the late Middle Ages to the 20th century
ISBN 9788779342002 , 2005 , Henning Laugerud, Laura Katrine Skinnebach
A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Vol. 4
ISBN 9781425535629 , 2006 , John Payne Collier
Technological revolutions and financial capital : the dynamics of bubbles and golden ages
ISBN 9781781005323 , 2003 , C. Perez
Becoming European: The Transformation of Third Millennium Northern and Western Europe
ISBN 9781842174500 , 2011 , Håkon Glørstad
Life in the Middle Ages
ISBN 9780517407714 , 1972 , Robert Delort
Cengage Advantage Books: The American Experiment: A History of the United States, 3rd ed.
ISBN 9780840029522 , 2012 , 3. utgave , Steven M. Gillon, Cathy D. Matson
Behind the Castle Gate: From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance
ISBN 9780415258876 , 2002
Domino Guide to the Insects of Britain and Western Europe
ISBN 9780713672398 , 2007 , Michael Chinery
The Nationalization of Politics: The Formation of National Electorates and Party Systems in Western Europe
ISBN 9780521535205 , 2004 , Daniele Caramani
Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Global History
ISBN 9781111771157 , 2011 , Helen Gardner, Fred S. Kleiner
Approaches to the History of the Western Family 1500-1914
ISBN 9780521557931 , 1995 , Michael Anderson, Economic History Society
Balancing the Books: Micah and Nahum Simply Explained
ISBN 9780852343241 , 1994 , Michael Bentley
From the Brink of the Apocalypse: Confronting Famine, War, Plague, and Death in the Later Middle Ages
ISBN 9780415927154 , 2001 , John Aberth
A Bibliographical and Critical Account of the Rarest Books in the English Language, Vol. 3
ISBN 9781425539986 , 2006 , John Payne Collier
Cinematic Illuminations: The Middle Ages on Film
ISBN 9780801893445 , 2009 , Laurie A. Finke, Martin B. Shichtman
Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed
ISBN 9781441136466 , 2013 , Wouter J. Hanegraaff
From the Brink of the Apocalypse: Confronting Famine, War, Plague, and Death in the Later Middle Ages
ISBN 9780415927161 , 2001 , John Aberth
A High School Grammar: Dealing with the Science of the English Language, the History of the Parts of Speech, the Philosophy of the Changes These Have
ISBN 9781141436002 , 2010 , Brainerd Kellogg, Alonzo Reed
Medievalism: The Middle Ages in Modern England
ISBN 9780300110616 , 2007 , Alexander Michael
Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
ISBN 9780415045841 , 1983 , Adam Kuper
Tenerife & The Western Canary Islands
ISBN 9789812344953 , 2000 , Brian Bell, Pam Barrett
Mathematics in the Primary School
ISBN 9780415025195 , 1989
Active Meditation: The Western Tradition
ISBN 9780898040418 , 1996 , Robert R. Leichtman, Carl Japikse
Anthropology and Anthropologists: The Modern British School
ISBN 9780710094094 , 1983 , Adam Kuper
A Brief History Of The Western World Infotrac
ISBN 9780534642365 , 2004 , Thomas H. Greer, Gavin. Lewis