Søk: 'The top 10 of film'
ISBN 9780851707174 , 1999 , British Film Institute, Rick Altman
Afterimage: Film, Trauma And The Holocaust
ISBN 9781592132096 , 2003 , Joshua Francis Hirsch
Leaders Talk Leadership : Top Executives Speak Their Minds: Top Executives Speak Their Minds
ISBN 9780195152838 , 2002 , Meredith D. Ashby, Stephen A. Miles
Film Theory: An Introduction Through the Senses
ISBN 9780203876879 , 2009 , Thomas Elsaesser
Cinematic Illuminations: The Middle Ages on Film
ISBN 9780801893445 , 2009 , Laurie A. Finke, Martin B. Shichtman
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780071286442 , 2006 , David Bordwell
Samfunn 8-10: brukerveiledning 10
ISBN 9788202179953 , 1999 , Rolf Mikkelsen, Asle Sveen, Jens Chr. Amundsen,m.fl.
Samfunn 8-10: geografi 10
ISBN 9788202179915 , 1999 , Rolf Mikkelsen, Jens Chr. Amundsen
Samfunn 8-10: historie 10
ISBN 9788202179892 , 1999 , Asle Sveen, Svein Aastad
Samfunn 8-10: samfunnskunnskap 10
ISBN 9788202179939 , 1999 , Rolf Mikkelsen, Asle Sveen, Sissel Gråberg Vatn,m.fl.
Film comedy
ISBN 9781903364369 , 2002
The C.A. Lejeune film reader
ISBN 9780856359118 , 1991
Captured: A Film/Video History Of The Lower East Side
ISBN 9781583226742 , 2005 , Clayton Patterson, Paul Bartlett, Urania Mylonas
ISBN 9780851707181 , 1999 , British Film Institute, Rick Altman
Regnskapsskjema. 10 stk.
ISBN 9788278020203
Aesthetics and Film
ISBN 9780826485236 , 2008 , Katherine Thomson-Jones
Film Art: An Introduction
ISBN 9780073535104 , 2012 , David Bordwell
Skattelovsamlingen 2009/10
ISBN 9788205400542 , 2010 , Ole Gjems-Onstad
The Runaway Jury (Film Tie-In)
ISBN 9780099457886 , 2004 , John Grisham
The McGraw-Hill Film Viewer's Guide
ISBN 9780072484571 , 2004 , David Bordwell
Functional Verification of Programmable Embedded Architectures: A Top-Down Approach
ISBN 9780387261430 , 2005 , Prabhat Mishra, Nikil D. Dutt
Eureka! 10: grunnbok
ISBN 9788205334113 , 2008 , Kari Synnes, Bjørn Norheim, Merete Hannisdal,m.fl.
ICD-10, the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Diagnostic Criteria for Research
ISBN 9789241544559 , 1993 , World Health Organization
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film
ISBN 9780203879320 , 2008 , Paisley Livingston, Carl Plantinga
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film
ISBN 9780415771665 , 2008 , Paisley Livingston, Carl Plantinga
Afterimage: Film, Trauma And The Holocaust
ISBN 9781592132089 , 2003 , Joshua Hirsch
The Visual Story: Seeing the Structure of Film, Tv, and New Media
ISBN 9780240804675 , 2001 , Bruce A. Block
Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video
ISBN 9780080890029 , 2010 , Peter W. Rea, David K. Irving
Thinking Media Aesthetics: Media Studies, Film Studies and the Arts
ISBN 9783631642979 , 2013
Major film directors of the American and British cinema
ISBN 9780934223089 , 1990 , Gene D. Phillips