Søk: 'Understanding African Philosophy: A Cross-cultural Approach to Classical and Contemporary Issues'
A History of Western Philosophy: The classical mind
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Understanding Classical Sociology: Marx, Weber, Durkheim
ISBN 9780761954668 , 2003 , John A. Hughes, Peter J. Martin, W. W. Sharrock
The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism
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Basic Marketing Research: Application to Contemporary Issues with Spss
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Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots: The Basics
ISBN 9780071107327 , 2007 , Dr George Ritzer
A Companion to Cultural Geography
ISBN 9781405175654 , 2007 , James Duncan, Nuala Johnson, Richard H. Schein
Contemporary sociological theory and its classical roots: the basics
ISBN 9780072997590 , 2006 , George Ritzer
Philosophy of Art: Contemporary Introduction
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Understanding Employee Relations: A Behavioural Approach
ISBN 9780201568929 , 1993 , Derek Rollinson
Introducing Cultural and Media Studies: A Semiotic Approach, Second Edition
ISBN 9780333972489 , 2002 , 2. utgave , Tony Thwaites, Lloyd Davis, Warwick Mules
A Historical Introduction to Philosophy
ISBN 9780131900059 , 2005 , Chris Barker, Ingrid Freebairn, Albert B. Hakim
A Companion to Analytic Philosophy
ISBN 9781405133463 , 2005 , E. David Sosa, Al P. Martinich
Alcohol Use And Sexual Risk Behavior: A Cross-cultural Study in Eight Countries
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Lives Across Cultures: Cross-cultural Human Development
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Cross-cultural Business Behavior: Negotiating, Selling, Sourcing and Managing Across Cultures
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Building Communication Theories: A Socio/Cultural Approach
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Biopsychosocial Medicine: An Integrated Approach to Understanding Illiness
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Understanding Contemporary Latin America
ISBN 9781555875756 , 1996 , Richard S. Hillman
Understanding Contemporary Latin America
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Contemporary Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780275916428 , 1985 , Robert Booth Fowler, Jeffey R. Orenstein
A Companion to Analytic Philosophy
ISBN 9780631214151 , 2001 , Aloysius Martinich, A. P.l Martinich, David, Sosa
Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology, Third Edition
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Contemporary Issues in Political Theory
ISBN 9780030008399 , 1985 , Robert Booth Fowler, Jeffrey R. Orenstein
Contemporary Issues in Political Theory
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Lives Across Cultures: Cross-cultural Human Development
ISBN 9780205323227 , 2001 , Corinne Kosmitzki, Harry W. Gardiner
Anarchism and authority: a philosophical introduction to classical anarchism
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Doing Research in Cultural Studies: An Introduction to Classical and New Methodological Approaches
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