Søk: 'cold'
Making American Foreign Policy: President-Congress Relations from the Second World War to the Post-Cold War Era
ISBN 9780847679461 , 1994 , Philip J. Briggs
Preserving Food Without Freezing Or Canning: Traditional Techniques Using Salt, Oil, Sugar, Alcohol, Vinegar, Drying, Cold Storage, and Lactic Fermentation : the Gardeners and Farmers of Terre Vivante
ISBN 9781933392592 , 2007 , Deborah Madison, Eliot Coleman,m.fl.
A Paradigm for the New World Order: A Schools-Of-Thought Analysis of American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War ERA
ISBN 9780333683880 , 1997 , John C. Hulsman
Advances in Cold-Region Thermal Engineering and Sciences: Technological, Environmental, and Climatological Impact Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium Held in Darmstadt, Germany, 22-25 August 1999
ISBN 9783540663331 , 1999 , Kolumban Hutter, Y. Wang, H. Beer